Title: Emmons report recommending RICO prosecution Author: mdallara@kcii.com (Mark Dallara) Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 23:24:53 GMT Now available at Occupied Clearwater (http://www.xenu-city.net) - the report in the Emmons files recommending RICO prosecution: --BEGIN QUOTE-- I. INTRODUCTION This memorandum and the accompanying exhibits and attachments relate to a wide variety of schemes and acts perpetrated by the Church of Scientology. Some of the activities of Scientology, treated as isolated … [Read more...] about Emmons report recommending RICO prosecution
Archives for September 1998
The Emmons Report: 2nd Investigative Summary
Title: *** The Emmons Report: 2nd Investigative Summary Author: mdallara@kcii.com (Mark Dallara) Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 18:35:03 GMT This is another document that I requested and received from the Clearwater Police Department. It is another summary of the Scientology investigation, but neither this document nor the first summary paper that I posted are dated, so it's not clear at this time which was filed first. This one is a bit longer and more detailed. As with the other posts, there are … [Read more...] about The Emmons Report: 2nd Investigative Summary
The Emmons Report: Chronological Events
Title: *** The Emmons Report: Chronological Events Author: mdallara@kcii.com (Mark Dallara) Date: Sat, 19 Sep 1998 01:07:28 GMT This is yet another document from the $cientology files of the Clearwater Police Department, requested, received, scanned, and OCR'd. I have only proofread the report designations, so that people can correctly identify them when making public records requests. Quite a few individual reports are specified and described, and some of them would make … [Read more...] about The Emmons Report: Chronological Events
The Emmons Report: Table of Contents
Title: *** The Emmons Report: Table of Contents Author: mdallara@kcii.com (Mark Dallara) Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 01:10:03 GMT [posted to alt.religion.scientology and fl.general] An item that's been in the news and on a.r.s recently is the lawsuit between the city of Clearwater and the cult of $cientology regarding certain records held by the Clearwater Police Department. The records relate to CPD's investigation of the cult, and the $cientologists, of course, want the records destroyed or … [Read more...] about The Emmons Report: Table of Contents
The Emmons Report: Investigative Summary
Title: *** The Emmons Report: Investigative Summary Author: mdallara@kcii.com (Mark Dallara) Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 01:55:52 GMT There's no name on this document from the Clearwater Police Department, but I assume that it was authored by Lt. Ray Emmons, since that is what I requested. It has been scanned and OCR'd, but not thoroughly edited, so beware the typo's. --BEGIN QUOTE-- SCIENTOLOGY INVESTIGATION SUMMARY The following is a very brief generalized summary concerning … [Read more...] about The Emmons Report: Investigative Summary