Zinberg was a Guardian’s Office (“GO”) and Office of Special Affairs (“OSA”) volunteer, who was briefly involved in covert ops targeting Cooper. What is reported he did to her was stake out her apartment building, although he never saw her, and deliver to her father Ted Cooper’s jewelry business pages that Zinberg’s GO seniors had covertly, unlawfully copied from her teenage diary. The GO’s obvious goal for the diary op Zinberg participated in was to generate or exacerbate conflict between Mr. Cooper and his adopted daughter Paulette, who was then a stellar Scientology target.
You fair gamed me while you were inside and commanding the sect’s Office of Special Affairs worldwide, Mike, for over two decades. That was your org board position and your function in the criminal conspiracy against rights that Hubbard and then Miscavige headed. You ran hundreds of volunteers like Zinberg. You ran a raft of PIs, a bevy of attorneys and a covey of covert operatives. Five of your conspiracy’s six lawsuits against me were filed, and all of them were prosecuted, when you commanded OSA and ran the legal apparatus. You had me unlawfully bankrupted. You had me threatened and driven from my home in the US. You ran covert and overt operations against me in the US, Canada and Europe. You unlawfully used millions of dollars in tax exempt funds of a religious corporation to commit crimes against me. You culled my pc folders. You black PRed me. Psychologically, your conspiracy, and you specifically, hectored me to within a heartbeat of suicide. Although admittedly you fair gamed me more than any other individual you have identified, you fair gamed and made your juniors fair game average, common wogs like me all over the world.
You were an insider in the Scientologists’ criminal conspiracy against persons and rights. The conspiracy in 1974, which the GO hierarchy then ran for Hubbard, used Zinberg, indeed used him for criminal acts or ops; but Zinberg was never an insider. Even Chris Shelton, who was in the SO for seventeen years, and proclaims himself a “high level insider,” was not an insider, not even a low level insider. (Actually, Shelton could have been an insider – with you in your criminal conspiracy — but not if what he has stated about his Scientology career is somewhere near true.) You, Mike, however, were an insider where being an insider mattered: in the Scientologists’ criminal conspiracy against persons and rights, your doctrinally motivated and doctrinally vindicated persecution of the SP class. Unlike you, I was not an insider in the conspiracy. When I was in the SO, I was close to the conspiracy many times, and could conceivably have been brought in, or leveraged my way in, but I was saved from that evil activity.
A few GO personnel were briefly involved in executing the conspiracy’s command intention and program targets to silence or destroy me just after I left Scientology. SO execs under Hubbard, however, had already absorbed the GO execs’ functions and staff, and ran all the Scientologists and wog collaborators then tasked with targeting me. The SO personnel in the conspiracy operated on the same “Suppressive Person” doctrine as the GO and applied the same policies of hating, black PRing, waging war on, silencing and destroying people who told the truth. Rathbun writes about that period in his Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior, which you edited:
Flynn also received a windfall, care of the fruits of Miscavige’s enemy-making proclivities. Gerry Armstrong, the archivist whom Miscavige and Starkey nearly hung for trying to protect Hubbard and the church against the very claims Flynn had been making, had made contact with Flynn. We knew this because for several months Miscavige had been directly supervising surveillance of Armstrong, through a former GO intel staff member named Geoff Shervell. Shervell utilized teams of private eyes to shadow Armstrong everywhere. Shervell reported directly to Miscavige through all those months, just as I had on litigation matters from our Special Unit. On more than one occasion, Shervell groused to me about the incessant, obsessive pressure Miscavige put on him, demanding to know Armstrong’s every move. He said, “Marty, he knows we’re on him, which kind of defeats the purpose of the surveillance.” Thinking for a moment, Geoff added, “Unless the purpose is to drive him crazy.” Armstrong became increasingly paranoid under pressure and finally got spooked enough to go to Flynn for help. (p. 193)1
You absorbed that same purpose — to drive me crazy — when you joined the conspiracy, and you have worked on that purpose ever since. You also worked and work on a parallel or secondary purpose, to get people to believe I’m crazy. If you couldn’t drive me crazy, which so far, you have to acknowledge, you have failed at, you could get people to buy your lie that I’m crazy. If you couldn’t silence or destroy me, you could at least get people to not listen to me. With evaluated, drilled, skillful, wide and relentless black propaganda you could get people to think I’m crazy, and even join you in your black PR campaign. If you successfully reduced my image to crazy, no one would grant any credence to my words. And if the whole world said I was crazy and no one granted me any credence, and you achieved total revulsion and complete isolation, this would certainly get you closer to actually driving me crazy.
You have been black PRing me as crazy in sworn statements, in court filings, in media, to the IRS, to governments, to people everywhere for thirty-six years. That’s what, as a post-Sea Org, truth-telling reformer, you were doing to filmmaker Marcus Thoess in 2011:
Gerry Armstrong is seeing things at this point. Gerry Armstrong was … was involved in, you know, a long battle with the church. But Gerry Armstrong is kind of a … kind of a … a bit of a fruitcake frankly.2
Repeating the last sentence I quoted above from Memoirs, and then Rathbun , and you as editor, continue:
Armstrong became increasingly paranoid under pressure and finally got spooked enough to go to Flynn for help. Armstrong also brought with him several boxes of biography archives he had lifted from the church; documents that demonstrated to him that Hubbard’s personal biography, promoted by the church, was full of holes.1
Quelle crock! Your statement about my mental state aside, along with your incompetent psychological diagnosis, you conspirators did declare me SP, you did target me for silencing and destroying, I did reach out to Flynn, and he agreed to meet me. In fact he flew me from Los Angeles to Tampa, Florida to meet him in Clearwater. I did not, however, bring with me several boxes of documents. I had very few documents, memorably a copy of the contract between the cult and wog writer Omar Garrison to write Hubbard’s biography.
From the moment I learned of it, I have shown your accusation that I lifted any biography archives from your cult to be false. I have proven it in a court of law, and obtained a judgment in 1984 that states I had all the permissions necessary, and a contract, to deliver all the biography archives as I did to Garrison. The judgment also states that when you conspirators conspired to fair game me, I was justified to go to Garrison and obtain from him biography archive documents to send to Flynn to defend myself. My defense, the judgment, and all subsequent events, have shown that I did the safest and wisest thing, You attacked the judgment in the appeals court, and I successfully got it affirmed in 1991.
You had certain knowledge, from the beginning, that your accusation that I stole, or thieved or lifted the documents I delivered to Garrison is false. You were over legal, including your cult’s case in which my handling of the Hubbard biography archive was at issue. Nevertheless, the Scientology conspirators, including you and Rathbun specifically, have continued to make this false claim, right into present time. It is defamation per se, and the willfulness over a very long time makes it very malicious.
And Hubbard’s documents did not demonstrate only to me, as you make it sound, that his biography, which you promoted, was full of holes. They demonstrate to everyone, to wogs and Scientologists, that his cult-promoted biography is full of holes. The documents demonstrated it to you. Every person in your conspiracy knew that the biography they were promoting was full of holes.
During the first years you were in the conspiracy, the conspirators also excused your silencing or destroying of people like me by trumpeting and madly pursuing the immediate and fake goal of “All Clear.” This would be when the legal threats to Hubbard had all been “handled,” and it would be “all clear” for him to come out of hiding. He had been in hiding actually wherever he sojourned or stopped as long as I’d known him. His SO coconspirators at the time – the All Clear Unit hierarchy, Special Project hierarchy, Author Services (“ASI”) hierarchy, Religious Technology Center (“RTC”) hierarchy, lawyers, agents — soon renamed or relettered a set of GO positions and functions “OSA.” You began participating in my persecution almost certainly in 1982, when the GO-OSA sleight of name was happening.
- Rathbun, Mark. Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior (p. 193). Amazon Books. Kindle edition. ↩
- Mike Rinder black PRs Gerry Armstrong and Graham Berry to German film makers ↩
- Rathbun, Mark. Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior (p. 193). Amazon Books. Kindle edition. ↩