I’ve mentioned before that L. Ron Hubbard and I have a long historical, legal and psychic relationship.
When he died, according to the official medical record, he was 27,347 days old. That is, 74 years and 317 days old.
Today I too am 27, 347 days old.
Both Hubbard and I demonstrate that Scientology does not work. That is, it does not work as he advertised it.
He wrote in 1946 in his Affirmations:
You will live to be 200 years old, both because you are calm and because of modern discoveries to be made in your lifetime.
You will always look young. Your weight is 180 lbs. And you will attain and hold that weight.
Well he ballooned to obesity, and he didn’t quite make it to three-eighth of his postulated old age.
He wrote in Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health:
This experiment tends to prove the fallacy of an ancient assumption that the mind was controlled by the glands. An aberree is given a shot of 25 mg. of testosterone in oil twice a week. There may be some improvement in his physical status for a short time – his voice may deepen and he may grow more hair on his chest. Now, without suggestion, we simply delete the engrams from his reactive bank so that they can re-form as experience in the standard bank. Before we have completed this task his body begins to use more of the testosterone. The dose can be markedly reduced and still give more benefit than formerly. Finally the dose can be eliminated. This experiment has also been performed on people who had not been able to receive benefit from glandular substances such as testosterone and estrogen. And upon people who were made ill by the administration of these hormones. The deletion of the engrams from the reactive bank uniformly brought about a condition where they could receive benefit from the hormones but where such artificial administration was not necessary save in cases of extreme age. What this means to gerontology, the study of longevity in life, cannot at this time be estimated, but it can be predicted with confidence that the deletion of engrams from the reactive bank has a marked effect upon the extension of life. A hundred years or so from now this data will be available, but no clears have lived that long as yet.
DMSMH © 1950, 2007, p. 117
Seventy years have gone by, and much data are now available, including some concerning Hubbard’s testosterone use.
All the world’s Dianeticists and Scientologists deleting all the engrams in all their millions of reactive banks, have not increased in years or days on what the Bible teaches. I have not heard of any megacongregation of early Dianeticists who are now Scientolocentenarians.
In 1951, Hubbard published in Science of Survival:
THE GOALS of Dianetic processing form a graduated scale. Actually, this scale is also the scale of sanity, for there is a parallel between the amount of life force (theta) in the individual available for his survival and the amount of sanity he displays. Turbulence of this life force decreases not only his sanity, but his level of survival. The life expectancy of the individual is also proportional to his physical well-being (absence of factors which predispose him to illness) and his mental well-being.
In other words, Dianetic processing is directly concerned with increasing the ability of the individual to survive, with increasing his sanity or ability to reason, his physical ability, and his general enjoyment of life.
Science of Survival © 1950, 2007, p. 17
For now, the Scientologists’ sanity, ability to reason, their physical abilities and their general enjoyment of life can be put aside. Their life expectancy, being proportional in their religion and scripture to their physical well-being and their mental well-being, their physical well-being and their mental well-being have not increased because their measurable life expectancy has not increased.
Through my years of knowing Hubbard’s Dianetics and Scientology claims about his expected physical longevity and his followers’ longevity, and from reading his Affirmations, I was aware that his gerontological tech and postulates had failed. Through the years, I also occasionally wondered if I’d ever reach his age when he died.
I honestly thought that some deranged Scientologist, some deranged collaborator, some other deranged person of some deranged affinity or another, or even some natural event could off me. I wasn’t counting down as the day approached; in fact I lost track of when it was. Then suddenly it was upon me. I did the math. Tomorrow, God willing, I will have outlived the old mother L. Ron Hubbard.