Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 17:49:36 +0200
From: Gerry Armstrong <>
Subject: Scientology v. Armstrong — SJ Motion
July 22, 2003
Andrew H. Wilson, Esquire
Wilson Campilongo LLP
475 Gate 5 Road
Sausalito, CA 94965
By E-Mail:
Re: Scientology v. Armstrong, et al.
Marin Superior Court Case No. CV 021632
Dear Mr. Wilson:
During the Case Management Conference on May 30, you stated that you were going to file a summary judgment motion in June.
I have not received any such motion from you, and, given your history and habit of fudging on service of documents, I am writing to ensure that you are not trying to pull another fast one to deny me the opportunity to respond.
You will recall that during the May 30 conference you stated that you had filed an objection to the mediators I proposed. Judge Duryee stated that she did not receive any such objection. As you know, neither did I. Your statement to the judge that you had filed such an objection was just another little piece of fudge, wasn’t it?
I am therefore asking you now: have you filed the summary judgment motion you said you were going to file, and will you claim that you have served such motion on me?
I will also take this opportunity to reiterate that the summary judgment and contempt orders you have obtained against me over the past several years in the Marin County cases are unlawful, and were unlawfully obtained by you and your client as part of your monstrous criminal conspiracy to destroy the rights guaranteed to me by the U.S. Constitution and laws. Since, for your cult client’s money, you are so willing to violate criminal federal laws to obstruct justice and help destroy one of the cult’s “Suppressive Person” targets, it must mean less than nothing for you to lie about a little thing like service of documents.
I strongly suggest that you and your client reverse direction on the criminal course you have chosen, dismiss this lawsuit, eliminate your unlawful orders and arrest warrants, and stop forever this disgusting and dangerous plot to destroy my basic rights and the rights of other good people you target as SPs.
I understand that there is very little chance that any of you will do what is lawful and decent because so much depends on your continuing this criminal conspiracy. You must, however, inform me immediately if you have filed your summary judgment motion in the above-referenced case, and if you claim that you have served me with such a motion.
Yours sincerely,
Gerry Armstrong
Heimat 27
D-14165 Berlin-Zehlendorf
Tel: +49(0)30-8157040
Fax: +49 (0) 1212-5-205-27-015
cc: Benjamin K. Riley, Esquire
Cooley Godward LLP
One Maritime Plaza, 20th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111-3580
By E-mail: