Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 17:20:30 -0800
To: “Bartunek, Deborah” <>
From: Gerry Armstrong <>
Subject: Re: Request for Extension of time to file opposition Marin Superior Court Action CV021632
At 03:53 PM 2/23/2004 -0800, you wrote:
Dear Mr. Armstrong,
Please file a noticed motion to extend the time that you are requesting.
Thank you,
Janet Minkiewicz
Clerk to Judge Duryee
Re: Scientology v. Armstrong
Marin Superior Court Case No. CV 021632
Dear Ms. Minkiewicz:
Thank you.
As you can see, I gave several days of thought to this proposal. In the end I had to choose to file my opposition with whatever documentation, computer and other resources I had because of the possibility that Judge Duryee would deny my motion to extend time, and any opportunity to file my opposition would be practically forever lost.
Caroline Letkeman and I have still not received our belongings that were “interchanged” with “another Armstrong’s” shipment and misshipped to New York. We have been in regular e-mail and telephone communication with the shipping companies in Germany and Canada to get to the bottom of the “interchange” and to keep a special eye out for our shipment. We have not been told when our belongings will arrive.
I have sent my opposition papers by Express Mail, but should there be any delay in your getting them or Scientology getting them I will also web the Opposition, Separate Statement and Declaration where I have also webbed other documents from this case.
I hope it is helpful to the Judge to have all these documents online.
My opposition papers will be webbed here tomorrow:
Yours sincerely,
Gerry Armstrong
#1-45950 Alexander Avenue
Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 1L5
cc: Andrew Wilson, Esq.