Hallo Markus:
Grüße aus dem Wack!
Someone just sent me to a couple of comments you made last December on Mike Rinder’s blog. You were responding to one of his articles that criticized the Scientologists comparing Leah Remini and the Aftermath production to the lie-spreading and discrimination-fomenting of the German Nazis in the 1930’s. https://www.mikerindersblog.org/scientology-and-nazi-germany/
Here are your first comment, Rinder’s reply to you, and your second comment:
Markus Thoess says
December 13, 2018 at 3:00 am
Mike, I have serious problems with the Nazi topic.
More than one time I have asked you, Debbie Cook or Tom De Vocht to expose how the COS and OSA infiltrated the Clearwater GOV and the CW Police Department.
Thus resulted in an environment today where in a US City a Police is unable to investigate in Suicide or Homicide cases without having OSA Sara Heller among them.
There are numerous death cases starting from Lisa MC Person until today.Many of them are not professional investigated or turned down by the Church.
I personally think, that is EXACTLY the same situation that Adolf Hitler and the SA had, before they came to power in 1933. A situation where they are ABOVE the law.
You yourself have orchestrated that. Tom had, Debbie had, Peter Mansell and many others before him had too.Only to name the case of Kyle Brennan, OT 8 Biggi Reichert, Michael Bamme or OT 5 Evgheni Zharkin and you know what, only a couple of weeks ago the third German, Sea Org Member Sabine L. came from Flag, stayed a couple of days at the exact same village where Biggi Reichert had her last days at OT 8` Gloria XX. and tried to commit suicide by cutting her veins.
I personally think that as long as this happens again and again, without having a working law system in a Florida City with the name of Clearwater, it is only cheap to broadcast about people who have been financially ruined by a cult that they want to go to.
It is even more in the behavior of people of the Nazi regime to silence, to NOT Speak or to hide instead of exposing how the “church” reached that status.
Mike Rinder says
Sorry those you think can confirm your belief are unable to help you. You seem to think the Clearwater Police are like the German police under Hitler and the SA? Sorry, that comparison is not much better than scientology’s. The problem in the US is the legal system and the preponderance of laws protecting organizations deemed religious. Remember, the FL STate’s Attorney and the CWPD/FDLE DID bring charges against scientology. The FBI did conduct an extensive investigation. It’s not someone influencing/threatening people in law enforcement that is the reason no prosecutions are successful. Believe me, I am pushing as hard as anyone can to solve this. You really believe that if I had information that would blow the lid off some conspiracy to obstruct justice that I would not have a) Told the FBI or b) shown it on The Aftermath or c) Failing that included it on my blog?
Tom, Debbie, me or anyone else don’t have information that fits your assumptions because that information does not exist.
Markus Thoess says
Mike, sorry that is hard to believe.
First of all, I don`t think there is something that should be compared to Hitler and the Nazis. Maybe ISIS.
During the amateurish investigations of the suicide/homicide cases in CW, at any time Sarah Heller and Peter Mansell for the last years where involved. Also it is for sure and proved that many of the CW police are working off duty on paycheck for the church. Detective Steven Bowling, who was in charge of the case of Kyle Brennan that was maybe the most annoying and amateurish done police investigation on a death case I ever heard about, was working off duty for the cos. None of the police officers I spoke to in 7 years of visiting CW would say something about what they know openly because they live there and do not want to have problems.
Do you think that is the way a jurisdiction unit should work?
As for your excuse that you all don’t know nothing about it: I also doubt that. First of all, if something like that is happening at FLAG OSA gets informed as the weekly OSA report says and we all know. It’s in the police documents that remedially they call OSA legal.
Now what will OSA do?
You know it. They will inform the FLAG leading structure and of course the headquarter.
So that least that is easy to see and to prove. Former police officer Ray Emmonds who died recently told me that if a Scientologist was found dead from a foreign country at CW, its body would be sticked in a plastic bag and being shipped back to its country. No real investigation took place.
Klaus Buechele who was your Deputy told me personally (among two witnesses in a restaurant Hubbard used to visit near CW) the same.
As for the FBI. I visited the FBI at Clearwater in 2014 and gave them documents and many information about the Biggi Reichert Case, about two other cases. None of them meant anything to them. They didn’t even know. They told me what they would have done, if the info I gave to them would have been given to them by either the CW police or the German Police ( reg. Biggi) at the time of the event.
As for the Brennan Case, the Zarkhin Case and the Michael Damme Case, all documents and interviews with people involved also proved, that the police did a lousy investigation just to get the folder closed.
The Brennan case would go even so far, that it whitewashed Denise Miscavige and her fellows from anything they had to do with it.
So in other words: If your son one day would be found dead at flag Mike, trust me you will not get any justice and you will also don`t see any proper investigation at all. And that is happening on US soil.
There are some additional things to consider regarding Rinder’s reply above to you and related matters.
Your challenge to him, it seems to me, is that (1) Rinder had a part in the orchestration of the situation or environment in Clearwater in which Scientologists appear to be above the law and Scientology suicide or homicide cases go uninvestigated or are botched; (2) you have previously asked Rinder to tell what he knows about all this; (3) he has refused over some years to do so; and (4) it is grimly reminiscent of people of the Nazi regime to silence others, to not speak up, or to hide, instead of exposing how the Scientologists reached the power or status they have in Clearwater.
I think you have legitimately challenged Rinder, and it is good that he be legitimately challenged. And I think he illegitimately discounts you and your challenge to him.
His intention, it is quite obvious, is to continue not telling what he knows. He had that same intention through all the years he was formally posted in OSA. He had that same intention when he was doing or making others do all the things he should now talk about in detail, the times, places, forms and events. To continue to get away with what he has gotten away with, he uses techniques he used while officially serving the Scientologists’ malign purposes.
His question to you about what you believe he would do if he had information that blew the lid off a conspiracy is in essence a scriptural “attack-the-attacker” handling. This is also known in scripture as a “double curve.” He is “handling” you with common Scientology “comm tech.”
He is also acting to “handle” other wogs who have, like you, observed, as I publicly have, that he has not told the truth about what he did and made others do to silence or destroy people while he was formally posted in OSA. Inherent in his “handling” is the assertion that if he had information that would blow the lid off some conspiracy to obstruct justice he would have told the FBI, or shown it on the Aftermath or included it on his blog.
His question to you about your belief is a logical fallacy called “appeal to ridicule.” He holds your legitimate challenge to him – or actually what he says you said — up to ridicule. He implies that your challenge is so ridiculous it only deserves ridicule. His PR assets go along with ridiculing his legitimate challengers. They do the same with me.
Rinder’s statement to you (which was made famous by your DMCA conflict with me) that I am “seeing things at this point” and I am “kind of a … kind of a … a bit of a fruitcake frankly,” is an appeal to ridicule.
His statement is also another fallacy called “poisoning the well.” This is where a person (Rinder) presents adverse and often irrelevant information (seeing things, fruitcake) about someone (me) to an audience (you) with the intention of pre-emptively discrediting everything that the victim of his poison (I) might say. Rinder and his assets have poisoned millions of wells over more than three decades just to pre-emptively discredit me. Poisoning wells is a standard Scientology religious sacrament that Scientologists drill and perform around the world.
Since what you actually said in your comment, Markus, is not what Rinder is ridiculing, he is also employing a “straw man fallacy,” ein Strohmann-Argument. He is ridiculing a straw man, which is also standard Scientology “comm tech” for handling or ridiculing, bullying or black PRing “critics” or challengers.
Rinder also uses a device that the formally posted Miscavige regimers use extensively called “Ignore Tech.” This is another common Scientology practice and policy for “degrading” legitimate challengers who present legitimate challenges. (These are different from illegitimate challengers presenting illegitimate challenges, which are yet another Scientology policy and practice.)
Employing ignore tech, the Scientologists postulate, as Rinder models, that the persons presenting legitimate challenges are so far beneath them, so devoid of any value, so inhuman, so bestial, the challengers can just be totally ignored. By pretending he has reduced a legitimate challenger’s image to beast level, Rinder can also get away with pretending that ignoring his challenger is justified. The more assets he can get to ignore a legitimate challenger, the more seemingly solid is Rinder’s pretense. From what you’ve said, it is apparent that he has been running ignore tech on you for some time.
Ignore tech and all sorts of semantic bullying techniques like strawmen and ridicule are weapons in the Scientologists’ arsenal for dealing with or “shattering” Suppressive Persons. The whole Scientology arsenal, however, right up to utter obliteration, comes out of the diabolic idea that the enemy, the SP is a beast, irredeemably evil, beyond reason, and therefore deserving of being ripped off, injured, tricked, sued, lied to or destroyed. After identifying their intended victim as a beast, the Scientologists go about degrading his or her image to beast level, so that everyone else, Scientologists and wogs, get that their victim is a beast deserving what beasts deserve.
While teaching that SPs deserve anything evil imaginable, the Scientologists also teach that SPs do not deserve even a word or a speck of credence. That is, SPs must not be given any trust, any belief, any acceptance, any kind word. You know Scientology Policy Directive 28 “Suppressive Act – Dealing with a Declared Suppressive Person:”
To maintain a line with, offer support to, or in any way grant credence to such a person indicates nothing more than agreement with that person’s destructive intentions and acts. Such dealings in fact act as a covert or overt attempt to undermine and negate the ethics and justice strengths of our ecclesiastical structure.1
Not in any way granting credence to someone is the essence of ignore tech. The persons Rinder applies this “tech” to are legitimate challengers bearing legitimate challenges. That is an equally apt description of the set of persons comprising the SPs, the persons Scientologists are prohibited from granting any credence to. SPs are commonly persons who simply tell the truth about their experiences with and knowledge of Hubbard, Scientology and Scientologists. Telling the truth about these things is the basic legitimate challenge to the Scientologists and their colluders, like Rinder.
The ignore tech he has been running on me is epic. He runs it and has run it for years. He runs ignore tech despite the fact that for decades he didn’t ignore me at all but actively pursued and attacked me. He spent millions and hired a horde of antisocial characters to silence or destroy me. He has a horde of assets now, including “celebrities,” who validate his ignoring me and my legitimate challenges. His ignore-teching me is particularly poignant because I am his most gargantuan fair game victim. The ignore tech he is running on me is made doubly archetypal because I am also the person most obviously, persistently and patiently legitimately challenging him.
I have written reams presenting legitimate challenge after legitimate challenge to Rinder. I have communicated these challenges correctly, politely and understandably. The more he ignores legitimate challenges, the more reasons there are to legitimately challenge him. I have made a significant public record of his treatment of me over many years.2
I know very little of what Rinder did or had done in Clearwater during his years formally posted in OSA. I know a great deal, however, about what he did and made others do to silence or destroy me. I know a lot about what he did and made others do to silence or destroy the class of persons acting in concert with me, and similarly placed persons in the Suppressive Person religious class. I know about crimes he committed and had committed against me and other wogs, which led to the nazi-esque situation or condition you observe in Clearwater and elsewhere.
What Rinder is doing with you regarding his knowledge of what he did and had done in Clearwater is very similar to the way he “handled” me in his “Loyalist Operation” conspiracy in the 1980’s. He ran OSA in the US at that time, and was responsible, under cult head Miscavige for the op. The major targets were to criminally entrap me and ultimately criminally frame me.
He and his co-conspirators, who called themselves the “Loyalists,” contacted me in 1984 with claims that they were “reformers” who wanted to “reform” their cult and wanted my help. This was a step in what is called the “Armstrong Operation,” which the Scientologists initiated as soon as I left the cult. The Armstrong Op’s goal is my obliteration. 3
The “Loyalists” knew, they said, that the cult’s leaders were criminal. This was no surprise, because I already knew it in spades. So did relevant agencies and officials in the US Federal Government, so did courts, and so did pretty well everyone else. The “Loyalists” claimed they wanted to end the Miscavige regime’s lies, abuses and criminality, and have Miscavige, the criminal usurper of all things wise and wonderful, criminally prosecuted. Rinder and his co-conspirators claimed to be dedicated to opposing, exposing and reforming the cult. They claimed they wanted my help because I had just prevailed in court against the criminal Scientology leadership and had integrity.4
Rinder and his co-conspirators in their Loyalist Operation in 1984 claimed that they formed a new and effective opposition to the Miscavige regime, and, because of their knowledge of cult activities, they were poised to take down the regime in its then present form. When Rinder and his co-conspirators were making their clandestine and illegal videos of me meeting with him, however, he made a big production for the video of insisting that the “Loyalists” had no evidence of anything illegal being done. He was, of course, lying. He had all kinds of evidence of illegalities. And he was serving the Miscavigeites’ criminal purposes.
From my February 22, 1994 declaration:
Rinder, who had been represented to me as the Loyalists’ “best legal mind” couldn’t seem to get the distinction between allegations and proof in the complaint, and I was frustrated in our conversation because he seemed so dense. Now, of course, his denseness is fully understandable. He had to appear stupid and had to deny that there was any “proof” of the sort of allegations that would be made in a complaint because he knew he was being recorded on a videotape which was going to be used to attack, and if possible destroy me. Even what the organization has done to me alone (see, e.g., crimes listed by Judge Breckenridge and the list in paragraph 7 above) is enough for actual true-hearted reformers to bring a lawsuit to take control of the organization from the criminals now in charge. (Emphasis mine)
What Rinder is now doing is so like his first “Loyalist Op” (“Loyalist Op-1”) that his present agenda is known as “Loyalist Op Redux” or “Loyalist Op-2.” He and his current witting or unwitting PR assets again publicly portray Miscavige as a sociopath and a criminal. They again portray Rinder as the person poised with all the insider knowledge, the evidence and the legal acumen to take Miscavige and his regime down, and end the criminality. Rinder’s human assets present him as a leader of the “opposition” to Scientology, and they oppose persons like me, who legitimately challenge him or present legitimate challenges to his getting away with all the crimes and other evils he’s gotten away with.
Rinder proclaims himself, and is being proclaimed, as the preeminent challenger presenting the preeminent challenge now to the Miscavige regime. In reality, Rinder is willfully not doing what really could and should be done and really would challenge the conspirators running Scientology.
He titles his blog “Something Can Be Done About it,” which is a Hubbardian meme that means, in this context, doing precisely what he claimed he and his fellow Loyalists were doing about Scientology in 1984: ending the Miscavige regime’s lies, abuses and criminality. Yet he has studiously not done what really can be done about those evils.
While portraying themselves in their Aftermath series as dedicated to ending the Miscavige regime’s lies, abuses and criminality, and while getting all sorts of hopes up for truth and justice, Rinder and Leah Remini have communicated essentially that nothing can be done. Because of their positioning as the preeminent challengers to the Miscavige regime, their conclusion that nothing can be done about it is made to sound authoritative and definitive.
You brought up serious Clearwater issues, Markus: Scientology-related deaths, OSA interference with criminal investigations, the Scientologists being nazi-like above the law, and Rinder not telling what he knows. In answer, he writes: “The problem in the US is the legal system and the preponderance of laws protecting organizations deemed religious.” He is lying.
“The problem,” the thing or reason that prevents what should be done from being done about the Miscavige regime’s lies, abuses and criminality, in Clearwater or anywhere else in the US, is not the legal system or the laws that protect religious organizations. It is the Scientologists’ violations of existing US laws and the relevant law enforcers’ refusal to do anything about those violations of the law that is the problem. Rinder is blaming the law because the law-breakers get away with breaking it. By doing so, he is actually helping the law-breakers get away with it.
By blaming the failure to do anything effective about the Miscavige regime’s lies, abuses and criminality on the legal system and its laws, Rinder also generates an excuse for his refusal to tell what he knows. When he says it’s not someone influencing or threatening people in law enforcement that is the reason no prosecutions are successful, he knows this is untrue. The influence on local law enforcement is from above as well as from below. The threat is pervasive, and Rinder knows it. In fact he provided a glimpse of the threat’s extent on the Aftermath when he said about the Scientologists and their colluders’ criminal activities, “My God, they’ll do anything!” Anything includes murder. The colluders go much higher than the Clearwater Government or Police Department, and the colluders go profoundly low.
I am sure you saw the February 2, 2019 video of Clearwater Police Chief Daniel Slaughter responding to the Aftermath episode about his city.5
Slaughter says:
Being a recognized religious entity by the federal government, Scientology is entitled to contract for the same services as any other religious organization or business. The Police Department does not have the ability to stop providing extra-duty services to one religious organization without denying the same service to all federally recognized religious entities.
Slaughter was publicly acknowledging that to a noteworthy extent his department deferred to the US Federal Government for its treatment of the Scientologists. This was the Clearwater PD’s de facto position ever since the US Government granted tax exemption to the Scientologists in 1993. There is no doubt that influence is coming from the federal officials and agencies that granted the tax exemption, and thereafter have defended that decision, and defended, promoted or used Scientology and the Scientologists for the Federal Government’s purposes. The US Federal Government has a colossal interest in the Scientologists getting away with all sorts of crimes, human rights violations or other evils so as to not put in jeopardy the unlawful grant of tax exemption.
There is no doubt that the relevant federal officials dealing with the Scientologists in the effort to gain tax exemption and become a federally recognized religious entity knew that the Scientologists were continuously and seriously violating public policy. These federal officials knew that the Scientologists – the Miscavige regime, which included Rinder — were criminally framing legitimate challengers. These federal officials knew that such challengers were simply citizens who spoke up about the Scientologists’ lies, abuses and criminality. These officials knew that citizens doing just that, speaking up about lies, abuses and criminality, were essential for justice, for peace and for sane government. These officials knew that the Miscavige Scientologists were violating federal and state civil rights statutes.
These officials knew that in the Scientologists’ statements to relevant federal agencies, including to the IRS, the Scientologists were lying. The Scientologists were lying about their criminal and public policy-violating activities. Nevertheless, these officials ignored the Scientologists’ crimes and other public policy-violating activities that these officials knew about. These officials ignored the public policy violations they knew the Scientologists were committing, which, if not ignored, would compel the refusal of tax exemption. These officials ignored the Scientologists’ public policy violations for the specific purpose of granting tax exemption, and the attendant federal religious recognition, which these officials knew were lawfully undeserved.
Worse, it is now clear that these officials actually required that the Scientologists lie in their submissions to the IRS on which the tax exemption is based. It is also clear that the relevant US Federal officials did so in order to trump up a plausible justification for the granting of tax exemption and federal religious recognition, which these officials knew the Scientologists did not deserve. I explained this in the introduction to the Armstrong Operation, which neither the ignore tech-applying Scientologists nor Federal Government officials have refuted. 6
Contrary to what Rinder would have you believe, it is not the law that permits the grant of tax exemption and federal religious recognition to deserving religious entities that is, “the problem.” The problem is not whatever laws direct police departments like Clearwater to treat all federally recognized religious entities equally. Nor is the problem the laws on which Chief Slaughter depends to assert that all federally recognized religious entities can contract for the same services and receive the same services. The problem is created when a legally undeserving entity is given tax exemption and declared a federally recognized religious entity. That is a violation of law, not a problem with the law.
An undeserving entity can obtain these undeserved benefits and religious recognition by fraud, which is itself illegal. The Scientologists had been trying by fraud and related bullying tactics for many years to obtain tax exemption and federal religious recognition. Throughout those years the relevant US officials did not permit the Scientologists to defraud them or defraud the US.
The problem of a legally undeserving entity receiving tax exemption and federal religious recognition is compounded in the Scientology case by the relevant US officials colluding with the Scientologists. This collusion was in violation of US laws for a legally impermissible purpose. The problem is the fakes in the henhouses, including the US Federal fakes in the government’s henhouses. The relevant federal officials faked being defrauded. In fact, these faker officials got rid of any officials who would not fake it. Then the faker officials required that the Scientologists tell lies these officials considered necessary to generate the appearance of merely being defrauded, and cloak the collusion.
There is no way that the involved federal officials could have been “rogues” outside of the Federal Authorities, and outside the Deep State. There is no way that “rogue agents” cooked up and got away with all the colluding done with the Scientologists. Federal authorities knew Scientologists’ long history of criminal and antisocial activities, including crimes against the US and US citizens. These authorities knew the Scientologists’ history could not legally be ignored. These authorities were very aware of the Scientologists’ intelligence proclivities, abilities and activities. These knowledgeable authorities had to be from elements of the US Intelligence Community.
The relevant US officials could not have conspired to break US laws, or have permitted, let alone required themselves and all US citizens to be defrauded, without all relevant elements of the USIC agreeing to this strategy and program. Without USIC approval and direction, the relevant US officials could not have permitted, let alone licensed the Scientologists to criminally victimize US citizens already being criminally victimized.
It is well known, certainly by USIC officials, that at its core and in operation Scientology is an intelligence entity. The Miscavige regimers control their witting, unwitting, willing and unwilling assets the same way other intelligence entities control their assets: contracts, money, threats, extortion, blackmail, lawfare, gags, assaults, death. It is clear to me that the USIC made Scientology and Scientologists USIC assets for the USIC’s purposes. It also clear to me that the USIC did so knowingly to the detriment of US citizens and people around the world.
Importantly for your beef with Rinder, you probably noticed a year ago when he publicly admitted or claimed that he “attended numerous meetings at the IRS during the exemption process and [he] oversaw the collection and preparation of all the documents presented to the IRS.” I’ve also mentioned this a number of times; e.g.,
- http://armstrong-op.gerryarmstrong.ca/mike-rinder-keeping-the-irs-tax-exemption-working/
- http://armstrong-op.gerryarmstrong.ca/mike-rinder-keeping-the-irs-tax-exemption-working-part-3-february-17-2018-2/
- http://armstrong-op.gerryarmstrong.ca/the-unabomber-op/
If he is telling the truth about what he oversaw and what was presented to the IRS, these are the documents on which the tax exemption and federal religious recognition were granted. If Rinder now told the truth about the lies in his submissions for the Scientologists to the IRS, he would blow the lid off those unlawful grants.
I am not implying that the lid cannot be blown off the US Government’s grants of tax exemption and religious recognition without Rinder’s participation in the effort to blow that lid off. Even if Rinder keeps doing what he’s been doing to covertly and overtly keep the Scientologists’ tax exemption and federal religious recognition working, the lid can still be blown off those unlawful grants. I am doing my part for that cause.
If he told the truth about the lies the Scientologists told and the crimes they committed to get their undeserved and unlawful tax exemption and federal religious recognition, he would blow the lid off the Clearwater Government and the Clearwater Police Department’s favoritism and special protections for the Scientologists.
“To blow the lid off,” as Rinder is using the idiom, is “to expose something to the public, often something scandalous or deceptive.” Not blowing the lid off, not exposing the scandalous, deceptive or criminal things he knows about, is his obvious policy and practice. His refusal all these years to blow the lid off what he can easily blow it off, while pretending he was blowing the lid off the scandals, deceptions and criminal things he knows about, is scandalous, deceptive, and criminal.
A lot of the “exposing” or lid-blowing Rinder’s PR assets are crediting him with is actually material, facts or knowledge that had been exposed, had the lid blown off them decades ago. What he has carefully not blown the lid off, not exposed, not told the truth about, is what he did and had others do that was scandalous, deceptive and criminal. I am also doing my part to expose what I experienced or know about these things, including exposing his refusal to tell the truth.
If he told the simple truth about what he did and had done to his wog victims he would be blowing the lid off our religious persecution. The key US Federal criminal statutes the Scientologists are violating, I have no doubt, are 18 USC § 241 “Conspiracy against Rights,” and § 242, “Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law.” If Rinder told the truth, just what he experienced or knows about his conspiracy and his co-conspirators, he would be blowing the lid off that conspiracy. He would be exposing to the public his conspiracy’s criminal purposes and actions.
In Loyalist Op-2, Rinder is essentially claiming he has no evidence of wrongdoing, or he is at least acting as if he has no such evidence. Otherwise, the narrative goes, he would do something about it, he would expose it or blow the lid off it. I mentioned above that he had run the same lie on me in his 1984 Loyalist Op-1. I commented to Rinder then, and put in my declaration quoted above, that just what the Scientologists had done to me was enough to prove criminality. What the Scientologists had done to me in the less than three years I’d been a wog was enough for actual true-hearted persons, which the Loyalists claimed to be, to take control and end the criminality. Now in Loyalist Op-2, thirty-five years later, still just what Rinder has done to me and had others do to me is enough to blow the lid off the Scientologists’ criminal conspiracy.
Will Rinder murder to protect his crimes and protect Scientology’s unlawful and unlawfully acquired tax exemption and federal religious recognition? If he does not tell the truth about what he and his co-conspirators have done to silence or destroy wogs, to conspire against our rights, and to acquire tax exemption and religious recognition, it should be understood that, as he boasts, he will do anything.
Will Miscavige murder to keep his unlawful and unlawfully obtained tax exemption and federal religious recognition, to keep his crimes and his leadership of the Scientologists’ criminal conspiracy from having the lid blown off them? Will Miscavige murder out of infantile psychopathic revenge because his crimes are even now having the lid blown off them? Until he tells the truth about what he and his co-conspirators have done to silence or destroy wogs, to conspire against our rights, and to unlawfully acquire undeserved tax exemption and religious recognition, it should be understood that he will do anything.
Will the relevant officials in the US Intelligence Community murder, or have others murder us, to keep the illicit, collusive relationship with the Scientology conspirators from having its lid blown off? Until the USIC walks back its decision to collude with the Scientologists, including by denouncing the collusion and the colluders, and by recognizing, reaching out to and helping the Scientologists’ wog victims, it should be accepted that they, just like their Scientologist co-colluders, will do anything.
- SPD 28: http://suppressiveperson.org/1982/08/13/spd-suppressive-act-dealing-with-a-declared-suppressive-person/ ↩
- See, e.g., http://armstrong-op.gerryarmstrong.ca/mike-rinder/ ↩
- These two declarations dated February 20 and February 22, 1994 provide a basic understanding of the Loyalist-1 Op, including a part Rinder played: http://www.gerryarmstrong.org/50k/legal/related/3138.php; http://www.gerryarmstrong.org/50k/legal/related/3134.php ↩
- Breckenridge Decision: http://legal.gerryarmstrong.ca/1984/06/22/memorandum-of-intended-decision-june-22-1984/ ↩
- Clearwater Police Chief Daniel Slaughter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFxa0WptPhs ↩
- See http://armstrong-op.gerryarmstrong.ca/about/ ↩