Michael Hobson writes:
So Gerry, since you still have that Dead Agent page up about me…
Hobson is right. This is a DA page on him: http://gerryarmstrong.ca/michael-hobson-and-me/
It is a DA page for obvious reasons. 1. He published a mess of malignant propaganda on me; and DAing malignant PR and malignant propagandists is an often recommended response. 2. My DA material is factual, supported with sound documentation. Indeed it is a peaceful, analytical, defensible, and effective response.
The Scientologists commonly call their malignant PR “dead agenting,” but this is false. Watch out for the incorrect use of “dead agent,” because this confusion serves the Scientologists’ malign purposes.
Essentially, malignant PR, which the Scientologists call “black PR,” is lying about a person or thing. Dead agenting is disproving the lie or lies. The lying agent, being shown to be lying, is therefore, theoretically, dead, never to be believed.
I was posted as the Ship’s Rep or Legal Officer in the Port Captain’s Office on the Flagship “Apollo” when Hubbard issued HCOPL 21 November 1972, PR Series 18, “How to Handle Black Propaganda – Rumors and Whispering Campaigns,” which is a basic Scientology scripture on black PR and dead agent.
The Port Captain’s Office contained the ship’s PR, Intelligence and Legal departments, paralleling the land-based Guardian’s Office bureaus, so all of us studied this PL as soon as it hit our in-baskets. I’ll just excerpt enough to make clear Hubbard’s black PR-DA relationship in which Scientologists are indoctrinated.
Black propaganda” (black = bad or derogatory, propaganda = pushing out statements or ideas) is the term used to destroy reputation or public belief in persons, companies or nations.
It is a common tool of agencies who are seeking to destroy real or fancied enemies or seek dominance in some field.
The technique seeks to bring a reputation so low that the person, company or nation is denied any rights whatever by “general agreement.” It is then possible to destroy the person, company or nation with a minor attack if the black propaganda itself has not already accomplished this.
Vicious and lying gossip by old women was the earlier form of this tactic and was so bad that some areas put them in public stocks (neck yokes) or drove them out of town.
In modern times there is no such check on black propaganda. Difficulties and costs of libel and slander suits, abuse of press privilege, lay anyone open to such a campaign.
All one needs is an enemy. And there are few men in history who have been without enemies.
There are random individuals in the society who do not understand very much. This is expressed as a sort of malicious glee about things. Such pass on slanderous rumors very easily. In an illiterate society such people abound. Since they cannot read, the bulk of knowledge is denied to them. Since they do not know very many words, much of what is said to them is not understood.
The world is full of madmen.
The basic characteristic of extreme madness is perpetual attack, attacks on anything, attacks on persons or things which contain no menace.
Extreme, not petty, crime is at the root of such an impulse. The attacker has an evil purpose in life. He is a thing of death, not life. And his harvest is a death harvest.
Such a person feels he cannot be safe unless everything else is dead. His evil purpose takes many forms and expressions. The end product is the same — death.
Where an attacker has gone too far he is himself then attacked. Long, bitter quarrels and national wars are alike the to and fro exchange of violence.
Where an attacker lacks the physical means of destroying others and where his own purpose would fail if disclosed, the attacks become covert.
He uses word of mouth, press media, any communication channel to spit his venom. He hides himself as the source; he makes the verbal attack seem logical or real or proven.
He counts on the utterances being picked up or distorted and passed on by the more base people in the society.
This is black propaganda. It is intended to reduce a real or imagined enemy, hurt his income and deny him friends and support.
So black propaganda is not something one lightly instigates. For it recoils on the person who uses it.
Let us see how it recoils.
Too much venom put out stains one with venom.
Too much black propaganda gets attacks in return.
Black propaganda is essentially a fabric of lies. The AMA simply imagines stories to put out or have put out.
Sooner or later such stories are found not to be true. ONE false story can destroy the credit of the teller. Now who listens?
Thus a black propaganda campaign is vulnerable. The attacker sooner or later is attacked — often by many. But those who have to counter such a campaign need the technology of how it is handled.
When one is not fighting a battle against black propaganda, public relations is easy.
One hires a reporter who gets to work thinking up ideas and turning out releases. That’s why reporters are often thought of as public relations people which they are not.
In the face of a black propaganda campaign, such releases are twisted, refused and that is the end of it.
There is far more to the art than this. These are some of the rules that apply:
- Fill the vacuum of omitted data with factual data.
- Prove all false utterances heard are lies.
- Discredit every rumor encountered.
- Handle the interest level with any utterance.
- Carefully study out the scene until the exact source is located.
- Use the knowledge of source to impede or destroy the source of black propaganda by noncriminal means.
- Continue to fill the vacuum of no data with good data using any channels available.
Each one of these points could well take a book. But understanding them and using one’s initiative, one can fill in a lot of the tech himself.
The variations of each one are endless.
- Fill the vacuum.
First of all, cease to withdraw. It is proven conclusively that in public relations handling of black propaganda, only outflow pays off. Saying nothing may be noble in a character but it is fatal in public relations.
- Disprove false data.
The technique of proving utterances false is called “DEAD AGENTING.” It’s in the first book of Chinese espionage. When the enemy agent gives false data, those who believed him but now find it false kill him — or at least cease to believe him.
So the PR slang for it is “dead agenting.”
This consists of disproving utterly the false statement with documents or demonstration or display.
One has to have a kit (a collection of documents) or the ability to demonstrate or something to display.
- Impede or destroy.
As you have been dead agenting as you looked, the attacks get handled. The campaign ebbs and flows but actually lessens.
There are thousands of variations on finding the real WHO.
But essentially it is just looking, dead agenting, filing, looking on and on.
You are, in this whole period, handling.
Once in a while it happens fast.
Now and then the black propagandist packs up and fades away before he is fully spotted. He becomes aware of the counteraction.
The usual action is a counterpropaganda campaign based on truth.
It is a long-to-find and hard-learned fact that people who engage in black propaganda have big bursting crimes to hide.
They do not have little crimes. They have BIG ones.
One’s own ability to confront evil may be too low to really grasp the black propagandist’s crimes or believe they exist.
Such people are often SANCTIMONIOUS hypocrites. They are usually arrogant and will not parley (have conferences with a foe). They appear so terribly sure they are RIGHT that it fairly shakes one’s confidence that they could ever do anything wrong.
Thus the black propagandist is not detectable as such in many cases. The lordly institution, the lofty society, the glittering country are far, far above such a nasty psychotic trick as a studied, financed, expertly run campaign of vicious lies.
Thus they are believed. Or their servants are believed. And their campaigns can be very effective.
But this makes them hard to suspect or detect. And it makes it hard to get anything bad about them believed.
But under all this are real crimes.
Bad guys tend to get rid of good guys. Sometimes for what they consider good reasons, sometimes for imagined reasons, sometimes because the bad guy just can’t stand a decent, bright person.
But there is no real truth in the bad guys always cause their own downfall. It may come, but it may be far too late to save the reputation or even life of the person being attacked by hidden campaigns.
Therefore it is vital to handle the matter. One can’t just hope it will all go away. It won’t. It will get disastrous to the degree that it is not handled.
The less handling, the more disastrous.
There is another hard-won truth.
There is also friendly press. But a friendly-talking reporter is often the most suspect. He was so nice in the interview, so vicious in his article.
Statements one makes can be curved. “She had a birthday party” becomes “The delinquents in her circle gathered yesterday for a sex orgy and pretended to the police it was a birthday party. No one was jailed.”
The brand of black propaganda is very easy to see in writing twists.
So it takes time and work to reverse an attack because normal channels have to be reopened and reversed.
It is done by attacks.
But attacks which are not true earn suits. So one must attack only on proven ground.
This requires a lot of hard search.
However, a black propagandist often has many other enemies. These have sometimes gathered data.
The principles are that when the subterminals are located, they are investigated and counterattacked. Then further investigation reveals closer terminals to the propagandist and these are attacked. In short, one investigates and attacks.
Always be ready to parley — that is, have a conference and settle it. The arrogance of the black propagandist often forbids this. And when it does, it means longer and harder work and, if well done, his downfall.
In any event, the attack is a long cycle, a complex cycle and often an expensive cycle. It consists of investigate and attack. But remember, one must attack once he has any idea of the identity of the black propagandist or even his subterminals.
There is no other way out.
Any other course is death.
You can see that black propaganda is a covert attack on the reputation of a person, company or nation, using slander and lies in order to weaken or destroy.
Defense presupposes that the target is not that bad.
One does not have to be perfect to withstand such an attack, but it helps.
But even if one were perfect it would be no defense. Almost all the saints in history have been subjected to such attacks. And most of them died of it.
To be skillful in anything, one has to know it and be experienced in it and DO it.
As weary a task as it may seem to some, as heartbreaking as it can be, one still has to fight. And fight with tools and technology and dedication superior to that of the enemy.
But progressing and getting small gains, small penetrations, small little skirmishes and battles, one at length comes up to victory after victory and at last wins the whole war.
One is saved.
Copyright © 1972 by L. Ron Hubbard
Hubbard had written about the dead agent caper right when he began the PR Series in HCOPL 13 August 1970, PR Series 2, “The Missing Ingredient.”
Handling truth is a touchy business also. You don’t have to tell everything you know – that would jam the comm line too. Tell an acceptable truth.
Agreement with one’s message is what PR is seeking to achieve. Thus the message must compare to the personal experience of the audience.
So PR becomes the technique of communicating an acceptable truth-and which will attain the desirable result.
If there’s no chance of obtaining a desirable result and the truth would injure, then talk about something else.
PR is employed to obtain a result desired by the PR and his group.
Or it is employed to cancel out the undesirable PR of others.
Thus there is offensive and defensive PR.
In defending against hostile PR, once more it is the R that counts. Sun Tzu in his book about warfare gives several types of agent. One of these is the “dead agent” because he tells lies to the enemy and when they find out they will kill him.
Hostile (or counter-PR) is usually the usual fabric of lies.
If one finds out the lies being told and documents just one as being false, he has made counter-PR recoil. His hearer will never believe him again. He’s dead.
In the war between psychiatric hostile PR and the truth of Scientology, the “dead agent” caper has a field day. Psychiatric PR has been lying for 20 years. Documented, the fact of these lies are lies is killing off psychiatry.
You understand, it’s not one PR’s word against another’s. It’s one PR’s documents against the other PR’s lies! That is correct defensive PR.
So you see that using out-R PR can be very dangerous.
If one is trying to PR an abuse into decay (a dangerous activity in itself), he obtains the desirable result by documenting TRUTH. But using the “dead agent” caper is quite enough almost always.
The use of R not only involves truth, it involves acceptable truth and that involves the fixed opinions of another or others and their experience. All this is contained in the subject of REALITY.
Copyright © 1970 by L. Ron Hubbard
On 11 May 1971, he issued HCOPL PR Series 7, “Black PR,” in which he also described the dead agent caper and called it the best tool for counteracting black PR. I had come aboard in February, and Hubbard had made me the “Ship’s Driver” in April. This post was totally “on shore lines,” and “on ship PR lines,” and necessarily “on LRH PR lines.” So this PL was hugely germane to my driver responsibilities, and to my posts in the Port Captain’s Office. As it turned out, it was important to my whole Sea Org career, and to my post-Scientology understanding, and my defence against the Scientologists’ studied, financed, expertly run, unending malignant PR campaign. ((Funny, I mentioned the Ship’s Driver post in a recent article: http://gerryarmstrong.ca/drivers-and-liars-and-bozos-oh-my/ ))
In May 1971, the Flag Executive Briefing Course was a big event on board. The ship was sailing between four Moroccan ports, usually staying a week or two in each port. Tours Reception Center was being set up in Tangiers, and Hubbard was making plans to move ashore. He ran Scientology internationally from the ship. He directed PR, Intel and Legal through the Guardian’s Office World Wide, and on board through the Port Captain’s Office.
About the most involved employment of PR is its covert use in destroying the repute of individuals and groups.
More correctly this is technically called BLACK PROPAGANDA.
Basically it is an intelligence technique.
It can be a serious error to cross intelligence and PR.
These are two different fields. They have two distinctly different technologies.
A PR man must also know something of intelligence technology. Otherwise one day he will be left gaping.
Intelligence is intelligence. PR is PR.
When you gather information by intelligence procedures and at once employ it for PR, the result is likely to be poor.
It is not that it isn’t done. It’s that it isn’t very effective. Also it is an act of desperation.
PR is at its best when it begins and ends overtly.
Intelligence is best when it begins and ends covertly.
The word “propaganda” means putting out slanted information to populations.
One propagandizes the enemy population or one’s own or neutrals.
In popular interpretation it is a parade of lies or half-truths or exaggerations.
PR and advertising technology and mass news media are employed as well as word of mouth and posters.
The trouble with it is that it can often be disproven, discrediting the utterers of it.
It may serve the moment but after a war it leaves a very bad taste.
If one is engaging on a campaign of this nature, its success depends on sticking to the truth and being able to document it.
The entire black propaganda campaign conducted for twenty-one years against Scientology began to fold up in its 16th year because never at any time did its instigators (a) have any factual adverse data or (b) tell the truth.
The Scientology movement continued if only by heroic means and much sacrifice.
But at last nobody of any note believed the propaganda. The attackers pulled in on themselves a counterattack based on penetrating, horrible, documented truth.
It required intelligence-like tactics to discover who it was exactly.
The “dead agent caper” was used to disprove the lies. This consisted of counter-documenting any area where the lies were circulated. The lie “they were . . .” is countered by a document showing “they were not.” This causes the source of the lie and any other statements from that source to be discarded.
Many individuals have been destroyed by black propaganda. Wilhelm Reich was, by the lies and violence of the FDA.
So black propaganda is not a certain-result technology. It is costly. It makes fantastic trouble.
Essentially it is NOT a PR campaign. It is a cross between PR and intelligence.
The technique is
A hidden source injects lies and derogatory data into public view.
Since it is a hidden source, it requires an intelligence approach to successfully end it.
In the meanwhile the “dead agent caper” is the best tool to counter it.
Legal action can restrain such a campaign but is chancy unless one knows the source or at least has counterdocuments. It is risky solely because “law” is unpredictable. However, legal action has a definite role in restraining, not in ending, such a campaign.
A good policy when faced with a black propaganda campaign is to defend as best you can (dead agent and legal restraints) while you find out (intelligence) WHO is doing it. Then, confrontation can occur. Finding and suing false whos can make things much more involved.
Black propaganda countercampaigns are inevitable. One engages upon them whether he would or not. These are engaged on while one narrows down the area to an exact WHO. For instance, one knows the whatsits are attacking one. Thus he can counterattack the whatsits. But what are the whatsits exactly, and to whom are they connected, and exactly WHO (an individual always) is keeping it going? These last three have to be answered eventually. And that requires an intelligence-type search.
So there is where intelligence and PR cross.
When PR goes into black propaganda (hidden source using lies and defamation to destroy) it has crossed intelligence with publicity. They don’t mix well.
The action is risky to engage upon as it may run into an ex-intelligence officer or trained intelligence personnel. It may also run into a dead agent caper or legal restraint.
Anyone engaging in black propaganda is either using a wrong way to right a wrong or confessing he can’t make it in open competition.
Copyright © 19701 by L. Ron Hubbard
What Hobson has been doing is what Hubbard did and had his Scientologist troops do, and what Miscavige does and has his troops do. They all try to be seen and accepted as dedicated dead agenters, standardly applying DA tech, telling the truth to disprove the black or malignant propagandists. In reality, the Scientologists are being malignant propagandists. And they have been DAed, their malignant PR has been disproven.
While never really being on Scientology or Sea Org posts that originated or disseminated material to destroy reputations or public belief in persons, companies or nations, I still followed Hubbard’s twist on black PR and DA almost until I escaped. This twist is an example of Hubbard’s “Double-Curve doctrine,” by which he and we double-victimized his victims.
By this time, I had realized that he was a big fat liar about important facts and claims, and that some, at least, of the people we were attacking as black propagandists were actually DAing him, telling and documenting the truth. By extreme good fortune, I had possession of a mass of high value documents, from his personal archive, that disproved many of his lies and helped set me free from his twisted control.
The shift happening in my thinking can be seen in my November 21, 1981 report up the org board to the Commodore’s Messenger Organization International “Cope Officer,” three weeks before I left the cult.
If we present inaccuracies, hyperbole or downright lies as fact or truth, it doesn’t matter what slant we give them, if disproved the man will look, to outsiders at least, like a charlatan. This is what I’m trying to prevent and what I’ve been working on the past year and a half.
The real disservice to LRH, and the ultimate make-wrong is to go on assuming that everything he’s ever written or said is 100% accurate and publish it as such without verifying it. I’m talking here about biographical or non-technical writings. This only leads, should any of his statements turn out to be inaccurate, to a make-wrong of him, and consequently, his technology.
That’s what I’m trying to remedy and prevent.
To say that LRH is not capable of hype, errors or lies is certainly not granting him much of a beingness. To continue on with the line that he has never erred nor lied is counterproductive. It is an unreal attitude and too far removed from both the reality and people in general that it would widen public unacceptance.
- Nibs. What I stated was that the situation with Nibs is to a great degree our creation. He has been mishandled and dealt with dishonestly.
Dishonesty begets dishonesty. Nibs has known he was getting SO#1 letters; not LRH letters. That’s just not a 100% honest handling of the man’s son. It doesn’t excuse his own acts and condition, but it helps in their understanding.
I believe that unless there is an understanding and acknowledgement that the guy was mishandled and dealt with dishonestly, even if to a very tiny degree, the situation can’t resolve. I’m not saying tell Nibs, just get honest about it. That’s all I said. ((Letter to Cirrus Slevin: http://www.gerryarmstrong.org/50grand/writings/historical/armstrong-ltr-cirrus-1981-11-25.html ))
I knew before I left that Miscavige and his cabalists running the cult for Hubbard viewed me as a threat and, to a visible degree, out of control. I knew that I had to “blow,” meaning I had to dessert or leave suddenly without permission, or I would be locked up and kept until I was silenced or destroyed. I knew that as soon as I left I would be labeled and treated as an enemy, and Scientologists would target me with malignant PR and malignant ops. This treatment and its victims are known by the euphemism “Fair Game.”
The cult’s “Suppressive Person declares” on me, or, potentially, any declared SP, are instruments initiating and instructing a massive, global, lifelong black PR campaign. ((Armstrong SP Declare: http://www.gerryarmstrong.org/50grand/cult/ga-sp-declare-rev.html))
The Scientologists’ Suppressive Person doctrine is actually a compelled — and consequently criminal — malignant propaganda program targeting a class of persons created in Scientology scripture. ((Article: The SP Doctrine on Trial: Opening Statement: http://suppressiveperson.org/2013/06/29/the-sp-doctrine-on-trial-opening-statement-by-gerry-armstrong/))
Every Scientologist is indoctrinated with the black PR that SPs are evil, indeed sociopaths or psychopaths; that they are responsible for all illness, accidents, war, and every bad condition; that they are destructive and irredeemable; and that they cannot be reasoned with and do not deserve basic human rights. If adherents to the SP doctrine do not treat an SP as an SP, but grant him or her any “credence,” the Scientologists may themselves be targeted as SPs and subjected to the same hate and malignant PR program.
The usual reason that persons are declared SPs and targeted with malignant propaganda, and worse, is that they told the truth about their Scientology-related experience and knowledge and beliefs that Hubbard and his cabalists or Miscavige and his cabalists do not want told. SPs are persons who dead agent Hubbard, Miscavige, Scientology, Scientologists and their collaborators. SPs tell the truth or publish documents that disprove the malignant propagandists’ lies.
With the understanding that of myself I can do nothing, my discovery of Hubbard’s long lost document archive, my reading whatever I read, copying whatever I copied, thinking whatever I was thinking, my friendship with Omar Garrison, my providing him with biography materials, my talking with him and Hubbard family and friends, my time on the LRH Researcher post, was an intense personal dead agenting of Hubbard and a mass of his lies.
Hubbard and Scientology’s lawsuit against me, my cross-complaint, and most dramatically my trial in LA Superior Court in 1984 constituted a colossal public dead agenting. “The Breckenridge Decision,” the trial transcript and the appellate record comprise an awesome DA pack. ((http://legal.gerryarmstrong.ca/1984/06/22/memorandum-of-intended-decision-june-22-1984/
Hubbard, Miscavige, the Scientologists and their collaborators’ decision, in compliance with Scientology policy, has been to do more charging, keep malignant PRing me, keep on lying, keep on trying, overtly and covertly, to destroy my reputation or public belief in me, and silence or obliterate me. The Scientologists include their twisted, double-victimizing black PR-DA scriptures in their training manuals. E.g.:
1. |
HCO Info Ltr |
___ ___ ___ |
2. |
HCO Exec Ltr III |
___ ___ ___ |
3. |
ED 21 WW 27 SH |
___ ___ ___ |
4. |
OSA NW Order 15 |
___ ___ ___ |
5. |
CLAY DEMO: How classification relates to black |
___ ___ ___ |
*6. |
HCO PL 11 May 71 III |
___ ___ ___ |
*7. |
HCO PL 21 Nov 72 I |
___ ___ ___ |
8. |
ESSAY: The local newspaper has been running front |
9. |
DRILL: Have another student take the role of the |
___ ___ ___ |
10. |
HCO PL 9 June 75 |
PR Series 27 |
___ ___ ___ |
11. |
PRACTICAL: Obtain a newspaper from the Course |
___ ___ ___ |
12. |
HCO PL 20 Sept 88 |
PR Series 32 |
___ ___ ___ |
13. |
ESSAY: You are interviewing a community leader. He |
The “Juggernaut Eval,” the Scientologists’ infamous published program to restrain (silence or destroy) Boston attorney Michael Flynn, is based on Hubbard’s black PR policies, and contains a rare written order to black PR a person. The date on the eval, 13 September 1981, is relevant because this is right when the Miscavige cabalists had taken over the Guardian’s Office from the Mary Sue Hubbard faction. I would blow the cult three months after Juggernaut, and a few months later I would meet Flynn and he would undertake my defense me against the Scientologists.
So it takes time and work to reverse an attack because normal channels have to be reopened and reversed.
It is done by attacks.
But attacks which are not true earn suits. So one must attack only on proven ground.
This requires a lot of hard search.
However, a Black Propagandist often has many other enemies. These have sometimes gathered data.
The principles are that when the sub-terminals are located, they are investigated and counter-attacked. Then further investigation reveals closer terminals to the propagandist and these are attacked. In short, one investigates and attacks.
Bright Idea:
Fully implement and action all aspects of our extant strategy and include in this a “Juggernaut” civil rights suit filed in the same court as the LVS suit which becomes the major vehicle to get complete restraint on Flynn.
Use Intell to find WHO is behind Flynn.
Use GO BLACK PR to handle Flynn as a Black Propagandist – survey to find out what he is (eg. extortionist) and never again refer to him as an atty only as a ______ — reclassify him. (( http://www.gerryarmstrong.org/50k/fairgame/ops/453.php))
Hobson is in a prodigious set of people who have attached their names to malignant PRing me. They have crossed intelligence with public relations. Malignant PR, as Hubbard says, is an intelligence action, an intelligence technique. Crossing it with public relations, he says, is a “serious error,” “an act of desperation.” Very recently there was Stefani Hutchison, who blogged a pair of smears. ((http://gerryarmstrong.ca/moving-on-for-good/ )) Hobson has been doing it, that I’ve known about, since 2011. Stunningly, both of them couched their malignant PR as a defense of Mike Rinder, and positioned themselves as his public relations reps.
Most of the Scientologists and their collaborators’ malignant PR on me is hidden, on back channels, covert. The sources are hidden. Even with openly signed malignant PR, however, like the recent Hutchison and Hobson attacks, the actual sources are hidden. Neither Hutchison nor Hobson decided on their own, without the influence of others with inimical agendas, to malignantly PR me. Hutchison and Hobson are servants for as yet hidden sources.
Rinder also crossed intel with PR as a common practice. He was probably forced into that serious error because of the state of desperation in the conspiracy running Scientology. Hubbard lied so much, the GO had lied so much and done so much evil, Miscavige had lied so much and done so much evil, OSA, and Rinder himself, had lied so much and done so much evil, and they had all been thoroughly DAed. ((See, e.g., his signed May 19, 1994 letter on CSI-OSA stationery to Charles Collier-Wright, I believe the Mirror Group Newspapers’ then Legal Manager. http://www.gerryarmstrong.org/50grand/writings/armstrong-ltr-1994-05-19.html))
By involving himself with Church of Scientology litigation, Mr. Armstrong is in violation of a legal agreement he made in 1986. Were the Mirror to call him as a witness, your client would become a party to that violation. However, your client would be advised not to rely on information from Mr. Armstrong. He has now distinguished himself by posing naked in a newspaper claiming that the solution to the national debt is for everyone in the United States to simply renounce money. He claims himself to be the “Founder of the Organization of United Renunciants.”
Rinder knew I hadn’t posed naked in any newspaper. The top PI he paid and ran Gene Ingram had photos showing me at the relevant times wearing running shorts, and Ingram had interviewed the Marin Independent Journal photographer who had taken the subject photos. I sent a DA letter to Collier-Wright, and copied several people including Rinder, who was then CO OSA Int. ((http://www.gerryarmstrong.org/50grand/writings/armstrong-ltr-1994-05-19.html. Also see this DA doc from that period: http://www.gerryarmstrong.org/50grand/cult/gerry-goes-global.html))
The previous year, Rinder had his OSA junior Heber Jentzsch, titularly the President of the Church of Scientology International, use the same lie and lying logic, in a malignant PR letter, signed and on CSI “Office of the President” stationery, to Carol Fracassa, a producer at Entertainment Television.
The fact that [Gerry Armstrong] admitted to you that his purpose in attacking Scientology is so that he can “sell his story to Hollywood” further makes the entire scenario of his involvement an anathema to honesty, and certainly discreditable as a source of any information on any religion.
He has no relation to art or to artists and has no history of being published anywhere – except, of course for the photo of himself, nude, hugging the globe of the world and promoting the idea that everyone should give away what money they have.
The documents are attached. ((http://www.gerryarmstrong.org/50grand/cult/jentzsch-ltr-1993-08-05.html))
This ridiculous bit of malignant PR that started and was spread around the world on Rinder’s watch — that I had posed nude in some newspaper, and therefore everyone must be warned not to rely on information from me — has never ended. The Rinder/Miscavige Scientologists posted it on one of their malignant PR web sites:
In addition to his unlawful activities, Armstrong’s mental stability is questionable. Armstrong once posted a message on the Internet concerning a letter he sent to Saddam Hussein during the Gulf War. In the letter, he offered himself to Hussein as a hostage in the Iraqi war. “If either side failed to perform any part of the agreement, the other side could execute me,” he concluded. Armstrong makes clear in his posting that he did not think the letter to Hussein was a joke, but was deadly serious. He quite proudly republishes it and other similar writings from time to time. To further demonstrate how out of touch he is with reality, Armstrong had himself photographed by a newspaper naked while holding a globe to promote his theories of destroying all money.
In his 2013 book Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood & the Prison of Belief, Lawrence Wright describes a meeting between him and other New Yorker staff and Tommy Davis, Jessica Feshbach and four cult lawyers, where Davis, Rinder’s successor as Miscavige’s chief black PR agent repeats the same old lie.
As an example [of a “bitter apostate” Exscientologist] Davis singled out Gerald Armstrong, the former Scientology archivist, who received an $800,000 settlement in a fraud suit against the church in 1986. Davis charged that Armstrong had forged many of the documents that he later disseminated in order to discredit the church’s founder, although he produced no evidence to substantiate that allegation. He passed around a photograph of Armstrong, which, he said, showed Armstrong “sitting naked” with a giant globe in his lap. “This was a photo that was in a newspaper article he did where he said that all people should give up money,” Davis said. “He’s not a very sane person.”
In response to more than thirty-eight years of the Scientologists and collaborators’ malignant PR, and as I reasonably believed I was called, I have continued to speak up and DA them. I have testified about my experiences and knowledge, and, with the support of persons acting in concert with me — most wonderfully Caroline — I have assembled and made available a wealth of DA documents on multiple web sites. These actions and facilities have been effective in my defense and defense of everyone who acts in concert with me, and everyone the Scientologists and their collaborators have persecuted or might persecute. It very well could be that just as malignant PR goes on forever, and recoils on its users forever, dead agenting disproves the malignant PR, just as forever. Perhaps dead agenting follows the malignant propaganda wherever it works its malignant magick. Malignant propagandists might take this to heart.
Right from the start of the Scientologists’ campaign to silence and destroy me, it was obvious to me that Scientology master hater and malignant propagandist Hubbard was behind it all. He was the hidden source. His agents and coconspirators for spreading his lies and calumnies, like Miscavige, Mark Rathbun, Rinder and Jentzsch, kept Hubbard’s sourceness for their malignant PR secret. Only in 2014 did a former cult executive Jesse Prince break ranks and reveal that in the Hubbard-headed conspiracy it was required protocol to hate and contribute to the destruction of me and others like me. Prince reported that there were multiple “banker boxes full” of orders from Hubbard “spewing hate filled vitriol” about me. ((http://armstrong-op.gerryarmstrong.ca/jesse-prince-the-future-is-here-and-im-feeling-good-november-7-2014/))
Never correcting his boxes of hate-filled vitriol for the simple souls that escaped his control and DAed him, never repenting, never even faking regret, malignant PR will forever be a facet of his legacy. His megalonarcissism is an enormous facet of his legacy that he himself created. But his black PRing of persons, and making others black PR persons, he wanted hidden. There is so much of it, however, it makes his psychological legacy malignant megalonarcissism. All the living persons who malignantly PRed his human victims for him — coconspirators like Rinder and Rathbun, and willing tools like Hutchison, Hobson, et al. — can still counteract their venom and leave a classier legacy.