I was asked about Mike Rinder and whether he would be prosecuted if he came clean; and because this is a matter of public interest to both Scientologists and wogs, I’m posting my response, which follows, with a couple of minor pronoun changes:
I do not believe there would be any prosecution of Mike Rinder if he told the truth about his knowledge of what Scientology, Scientologists and their colluders did to wogs. The threat of prosecution is invented to give Rinder an excuse to not tell the truth.
He very well could be pilloried for not coming forward and telling the truth all these supposedly post-cult years, and that threat grows with each day he delays. But the likelihood of prosecution if he told the truth I think is zero.
On the other hand, if he continues to not tell the truth, and in fact still keeps the conspiracy against rights working, he really does risk prosecution if the conspirators are prosecuted. By law they should be. By just what they have done to silence or destroy me they could be. Except that the US Government, the US Intelligence Community and US courts have been so corrupted, they would be.
Rinder certainly is not being prosecuted for telling some of the horrors of what Scientology, Scientologists and their colluders do to Scientologists.
Notice that Rinder and Remini’s principal and somewhat detailed complaint against Scientology is the Scientologists’ treatment of themselves. Rinder and Remini present this as mistreatment of lower level Scientologists by higher level Scientologists. Rinder and Remini say they’re stopping the buck with cult head David Miscavige. Nevertheless, it is treatment or handling by Scientologists on Scientologists.
If fight clubbers form the Church of Fight Club, and they all know that they will be beaten and have to beat others, that would be perfectly legal in the US, and deserving of religious tax exemption.
It can easily be demonstrated that Scientologists all agree to lie to each other. We gave broken lip service to the truth, but that’s just one lie in a constant stream of lies.
We all agreed to be sadomasochists; even though what we were sold was something very different. We were all sold the most ethical organization on the planet, the only hope, the only workable tech to end the endless sadomasochism. We were sold and we sold others these lies every day of our Scientology years. The ideal in Scientology is to be a cleared sadist, no longer held back by self-harming, self-hating masochistic images and urges.
The ideal in Scientology is total control – the KRC triangle, CCHs, 8-C – although only one person in each Scientology sect can achieve that, Scientology being dictatorial. To be able to achieve total control, the dictator must have controlled subjects, who are willing to control others, which we were. See the Eric Fromm quote below regarding sadism and control.
We all had our basic human rights suppressed and destroyed. We agreed to that. We didn’t object to our rights and our fellow humans’ rights being suppressed and destroyed. And we supported our seniors right up to cult head Hubbard with our time and money no matter what they did. We didn’t even insist on knowing what they did.
They employed human rights-suppressing and -destroying personnel, like Rinder, to carry out their post duties. We slaved so that wogs in the SP class – wogs willing to tell the truth about Hubbard, Scientology and Scientologists — could be silenced or destroyed. Didn’t we at some point take some pride in making it go right despite the abuse and degradation we are taking?
Wogs, however, I for example, did not agree to be beat up, did not agree to be lied to, did not agree to permit our fellow wogs being lied to, did not agree to be abused or degraded, did not agree to have our basic human rights taken from us, did not agree to be silenced or destroyed.
Scientologists take all the abuse they take from their fellow Scientologists to keep being able to do their jobs clearing the planet. In great part that comes down to supporting the specialists like Rinder who, spending untold millions on lawyers and PIs, are mowing down the SP class, getting in ethics on the planet, achieving the VFPs of Department 20, “the total acceptance of Scientology and its founder.”
It is what the Scientologists and their colluders have done to wogs that must be confronted, and that is what, except for unimportant generalities, Rinder and Remini have avoided in the Aftermath, and in their activities outside the program. What Scientologists have done to wogs, to strip our human rights or silence or destroy us, is where the conspiracy is vulnerable and is where some serious legal and societal good can be done.
What Scientologists do to each other, even though demonic, has some latitude because of freedom of religion, the freedom of the Church of the Holy Beatdown to operate and the freedom of its members to beat the shit out of each other. They prove their sincerity as a religion or church by being willing to have the shit beat out of them. They can form an inner conspiracy that can order the shit beatings.
But the Scientologists cannot lawfully conspire against the rights of wogs who did not agree to have their rights destroyed.
And they cannot lawfully silence anyone about their experiences with or knowledge of Scientology, because of the guarantee of freedom of religion and because Scientology is a religion. It’s an evil, criminal, luciferian religion, but nonetheless a religion.
The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness
© 1973 Eric Fromm
Malignant Aggression: Cruelty and Destructiveness
The Varieties of Aggression and Destructiveness pp. 322-333The Nature of Sadism
I have given these examples of Stalin’s sadism because they serve very well to introduce the central issue: the nature of sadism. Thus far we have dealt descriptively with various kinds of sadistic behavior, sexual, physical, and mental. These different forms of sadism are not independent from each other; the problem is to find the common element, the essence of sadism. Orthodox psychoanalysis claimed that a particular aspect of sexuality was common to all these forms; in the second phase of Freud’s theory it was asserted that sadism was a blending of Eros (sexuality) and the death instinct, directed outside oneself, while masochism is a blend of eros and the death instinct, directed toward oneself.
Against this, I propose that the core of sadism, common to all its manifestations, is the passion to have absolute and unrestricted control over a living being, whether an animal, a child, a man, or a woman. To force someone to endure pain or humiliation without being able to defend himself is one of the manifestations of absolute control, but it is by no means the only one. The person who has complete control over another living being makes this being into his thing, his property, while he becomes the other being’s god. Sometimes the control can even be helpful, and in that case we might speak of a benevolent sadism, such as one finds in instances where one person rules another for the other’s own good, and in fact furthers him in many ways, except that he keeps him in bondage. But most sadism is malevolent. Complete control over another human being means crippling him, choking him, thwarting him. Such control can have all forms and all degrees.