[Back to Armstrong v. Grieboski: Defamation Analysis]
January 29, 2007
Joe Grieboski (JG) operates the Institute on Religion and Public Policy, an identity he uses to ally individuals in the RCC and other major religions as well as political personalities. He contributed in this manner to the handling of several situations in Europe. However, he is not being run for product to ensure viability and bean return for what he is being paid. He is on a flat rate that is being changed to payment on a “by product” basis.
This program lays out needed production that he can generate in exchange for funding from the Church. It must become clear to him that if he does not get products, he will not get any more funds from us.
To protect and advance religious freedom interests of Scientology where threatened or blocked.2MAJOR TARGET
1. Get Joe Grieboski to utilize existing or develop new power comm lines3 to resolve our major European situations.
2. Power comm lines and OL allies4 in place to help open getting Scientology into Muslim countries.
1. Assume full responsibility for Grieboski and accomplishing the major targets.
2. Write projects for Grieboski that he can understand, agree with and follow to accomplish useful VFPs 5 and subproducts.
3. Supply Grieboski with the policies on name/want/get, the tech on compiling a subproduct list and the definition of production and viability.
4. Groove in a weekly BP 6 and report line with the guy, so he has to work out what products he is going to get and then report on what specifically he accomplished.
5. Work out a budget covering each of Grieboski’s projects and get this approved by IRD7 and WDC OSA.8; 9 This is the basis for what is covered in the weekly FP (including the “beans” being produced).
1. Maintain utmost efficiency by providing JG with easily digestible information and documents about the sits he needs to know about and ensure he understands the data and puts it to use.
2. Never permit JG to overspend but enforce proper planning, including financial planning, scheduling and production for what is paid.
3. Keep JG aware that commensurate production of verifiable VFPs must be present for our Treasury Authority to continue financial outlay.
4. When JG does a trip overseas, e.g., have local OSA reps meet with him at his arrival and brief him up on the PT scene. Also have them meet with him at the end of each day to get his immediate debrief and get him reoriented to the product of the next day’s meetings.
1. If JG has additional ideas to improve the products he can get, this should rapidly be cleared with CO OSAI and implemented.
1. Brief JG on the change in funding—that he is coming off that flat rate but will be paid on a “by product” basis—and provide him the list of projects and have him work out how he will
get these done.BELGIUM
2. PR to prepare a briefing pack for JG, which covers concisely the official religious freedom violations, specifically (a) docs about the general anti cult situation in Belgium (b) the recent controversy concerning the “Scientology” building and (c) the criminal case which has been pending since 10 years. Include excerpts of EU Human Rights Court jurisprudence that show the court’s standard for slow justice is seven years. (Any other helpful data can be added if it really helps make the case.)
3. CONDITIONAL: If JG requires any other data, provide the docs or data immediately.
4. Get JG to obtain support from congressional allies (House and Senate) in getting the Belgian, French and German authorities to stop oppressive measures against minority religions. (This support can be fairly loose, sufficient only to allow him to drop names and state that a number of Senators and Representatives are getting more and more concerned about the situation.)
5. JG is to develop contacts to the top level of the RCC (as high as he can get in their hierarchy) using the above data to explain his reason for his concerns and for getting involved.
6. Get the RCC officials to agree that in the interest of religion and religiosity in Belgium, a climate of tolerance should be created and that they should use their influence to promote such. (Any trip to Belgium would combine meetings with the RCC and the government—see next section to make it cost efficient.)
7. Have them formulate and articulate a plan of how they will use their influence to preach tolerance and non-aggression with the rabid parliamentarians as well as the national government, especially the justice sector (so as to help).
8. From the Institute on Religion and Public Policy, have JG develop comm lines to the upper strata officials of the Belgian national government, especially at a level from where steps can be taken to end the arbitrary criminal investigation into the CofS.
9. Using the examples from the prep pack and the clear and present concern that exists in Washington about the situation, get these officials to see that a continuation of the repressive
actions by rabid prosecutors or suppressive MPs is damaging to Belgium’s image. Have them agree to take action to change their policy, even if quietly, and reign in prosecutors
who have no case yet keep on “investigating.”FRANCE
10. Put together a briefing pack that brings JG up to speed on the scene in France—including the relapse of Mivilude 10 back to the “dark days” under Vivien 11 —and which he can use (documents) for his contacts with the French officials. The pack is to also include the evidence on the capricious and outrageous investigations pending against the CoS (e.g., since the 80s of the last century).
11. CONDITIONAL: If JG requires any other data, provide the docs and data immediately.
12. Have JG determine whom to contact in France who is in a position to influence policy:
13. in the upper executive strata of the national government
a. in the national Senate
b. in the RCC
c. in the Protestant Church14. Have him work out the exact plan and tactics for how he will get to meet and ally each of these people.
15. While JG is working out the specific actions, get DSA France 12 to verify that the people JG intends to meet are in fact correct targets and not a waste of time, effort and money.
16. Get him to get the meetings set up in France (to coincide with those in Belgium so he must not fly back-and-forth repeatedly).
17. In France, have him brief and ally these persons—using the same approach as detailed for the meetings in Belgium—and get their agreement to take specific action to effect policy changes on the government’s and the legislature’s lines:
A. National Government
a. To reign in Miviludes
b. To stop harassment though bogus criminal invests
B. Senate Leaders
a. To stop the hate campaigns of specific MPs/Senators
C. RCC/Protestant Church
a. To use their influence with both the government and the Senate to make the above targets happen.18. Have JG get the agreement of the government officials, Senate leaders and religious leaders, to stay in comm and that they will tell him when they taken action and what they did.
19. Prepare the briefing pack on the current scene for minority religions in Germany, including what occurred a couple of weeks ago re Scientology Berlin, the OPC’s actions and any entheta media statements by the likes of Beckman. 13
20. CONDITIONAL: If JG requires any other data, provide the docs and data immediately.
21. Find out from DSA Germany who in the federal government and the pertinent Germany states would be worthwhile for JG to contact.
22. Have JG determine whom he can contact in the German churches (RCC and Protestants) who is in a position to influence policy:
23. Have him work out the exact plan and tactics for how he will get to meet and ally each of these people.
24. Get JG to set up the meetings in Germany.
25. Have him brief and ally these federal officials—using the same approach as was detailed for the meetings in Belgium—and get their agreement to take specific action to effect a fundamental policy change in the federal government.
26. Make JG get them to work out what actions they will take specifically and have him civilly challenge anything that seems to be lip service.
27. Have JG meet and ally the state government officials he set up to meet.
28. Get them setting up the meeting
29. Repeat this target for the RCC meetings.
30. Repeat the target for the meetings with the Protestants.
31. Have JG get the agreement of the government officials and religious leaders to stay in comm and that they will tell him when they taken action and what they did.
32. Compile a briefing pack for JG that tells him about the situation in Poland, emphasizing the government and RCC positions and actions.
33. CONDITIONAL: If JG requires any other data, provide the docs and data immediately.
34. Have JG determine whom in Poland to contact who is in position to influence policy:
a. in the ministerial strata of the national government
b. in the RCC35. Have him work out the exact plan and tactics for how he will get to meet and ally each of these people.
36. Get him to get the meetings set up. (Make them coincide with those in one of the other countries so he won’t be flying back-and-forth repeatedly).
37. In Poland, have him brief and ally these persons—using the same approach as detailed for the meetings in the other countries—and get their agreement for specific actions to effect tangible policy changes that will be of direct benefit for the CofS:
a. National Government
b. RCC/Protestant Church38. Have these officials work out and name the specific actions they will implement and their time plan.
39. Have JG get the agreement of the government officials and RCC leaders to stay in comm and that they will tell him when they taken action and what they did.
40. Have JG survey member MPs of the International Conference to determine what information they would most be interested in receiving in a newsletter.
41. Get JG to launch a regular (monthly) electronic newsletter to all member MPs around the world that keep them briefed on key pro religious freedom developments around the world. Emphasize in the newsletter those actions that demonstrate effective cause by legislators to provide examples and inspiration of what can be done.
42. Have JG work with individual members (those in key countries for our expansion are the priority, but others must not be neglected) and have them become active introducing pro religious freedom bills and resolutions.
43. Determine which groups and other delivery we already have in which Muslim countries.
44. Get with ASI, 14 SMI 15 and ABLE 16 and identify the other key Muslim countries we want to move into.
45. Get JG to locate and name the high level government officials, key legislators, religious leaders and top court judges in these countries who are inclined towards democracy including a liberal religious freedom policy.
46. Have JG contact these terminals and set up to meet with them.
47. Get JG fully prep’d for the meetings with his facts as well as with tangible examples of religious freedom policy, legislation and jurisprudence that could be created in these countries
(e.g., from the UN or the EU Court on Human Rights so it’s not all U.S. which is a negative button in many Muslim countries).48. During the meetings brief these people on the benefits for their country of a pro religious freedom stance and ally them to this cause. Get them to understand the precedent policies,
legislation and jurisprudence.49. Work out with them what specific, tangible action each one can take to generate pro religious freedom legislation and precedents, including liberalization of the constitutional jurisprudence. Also work out a time table for the execution of their plan.
50. Have JG get the agreement of the government officials and RCC leaders to stay in comm and that they will tell him when they taken action and what they did.
1. Allies made in 5 countries who activate a pro religious freedom policy or legislation. – April 2007.
2. Newsletter launched by February 2007
- Source document: https://markrathbun.wordpress.com/2011/12/21/corporate-scientology-mercenary-joe-grieboski/. ↩
- The “religious freedom interests of Scientology” are standardly not religious freedom, but the freedom to suppress religious freedom. ↩
- Power comm lines are communication lines to people in positions of power. ↩
- OL allies are collaborators who are “opinion leaders.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_leadership ↩
- VFPs are “Valuable Final Products,” a very important term and concept for Scientologists defined in Scientology’s Dictionary of Administration and Management as something that can be exchanged with other activities in return for support. The support usually adds up to food, clothing, shelter, money, tolerance and cooperation (goodwill). (HCO PL 25 Mar 71) ↩
- A BP is a Battle Plan, drawn up “to coordinate necessary actions and prepare strategy and tactics concerning management” of organizations or a post. (Admin Dictionary) ↩
- IRD is the International Reserves Director. “Int Reserves” is, or was, a huge sum of Scientology money that has been reported to be around 1 billion dollars. ↩
- WDC OSA is Watchdog Committee member responsible for the Office of Special Affairs. WDC is, or was, a secret committee in the Scientology hierarchy under Miscavige. Each Committee member was responsible for a sector, function or network of the Scientology enterprise. ↩
- OSA is the Scientology network under Miscavige responsible for intelligence, public relations and legal activities. OSA was formerly called the Guardian’s Office. ↩
- MIVILUDES is the Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires, a French government agency formed in 2002 and tasked with studying cultic movements, informing the public and helping victims. ↩
- Alain Vivien is a French politician who from 1998 to 2002 chaired the Mission Interministérielle pour la Lutte contre les Sectes (MILS), which preceeded MIVILUDES. ↩
- DSA France is the Director of Special Affairs for that country in the OSA Network. DSAs are responsible for OSA activities in different organizations in different countries or geographic areas. ↩
- Beckman is probably Dr. Günther Beckstein. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%BCnther_Beckstein ↩
- ASI is Author Services Inc. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Author_Services_Inc. ↩
- SMI is Scientology Missions International. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology_Missions_International ↩
- ABLE is the Association for Better living and Education. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_for_Better_Living_and_Education ↩