You ask, who gave Chris Shelton the task to dead agent me? You’re referring to his attack on me that I responded to here .
It’s black PR, of course, not dead agent. “Dead agent” is the debunking or refuting of liars and lies. “Black PR” is the lies that DAing debunks. It could be said that I DAed Hubbard, and that I DAed Scientology, and I DAed Shelton when he published a pile of black PR on me, wow, almost ten years ago. My deepest view at this time in my life is that God does the DAing, and I type His Words, as accurately as I can.
Two related behavioral traits of the Scientology cultists sent to handle up-speaking wogs like us; of the Miscavigeites’ academics hired to handle people like us; and of the persons you know who run the “controlled opposition” and do their damnedest to handle people like you and me, are pretended ignorance of pertinent facts and pretended knowledge that they do not possess. These are, clearly, regressive tribal behaviors.
A person cannot ever be himself if he never stops pretending to be someone else. That is, pretending ignorance of what he knows, and pretending knowledge of what he doesn’t. While the Scientologists claim to be becoming their real or basic selves, and sell that “EP” for big bucks, they actively prevent themselves, and anyone they can recruit, from ever being themselves. And they do it by, inter alia, requiring and enforcing faked ignorance and faked knowledge.
Here, the pretense is for demonstrably antisocial goals: put down others and elevate oneself over them. That is the essence of malignant narcissism. The pretended humility bolsters the narcissism: “I don’t know everything,” “I’m still learning,” “I’m not saying I’m perfect.” You know the drill.
Shelton’s next, uncatastrophic step (may I C/S?) is introspection, or meditation, not the petty strategies he employs, like “ignore-tech,” to appear above his targets’ morality, intelligence, humanity and persons. Those strategies are catastrophic, although to their appliers they seem to be the winning battle tactics.
This set of DAed people – Hubbard, Miscavige, the Scientologist coconspirators, the PIs, the lawyers, the “academics,” Shelton, etc. – have had before them for many years two choices: repentance or poor loserism. They have all been poor losers, and it has lost them even more to be poor losers about. I wrote about poor loserism in an August 2009 letter “To Mark Rathbun: Help on Black PR.”
Everybody knows Scientology and Scientologists do what bullies do. When they lose, they always act the part of poor losers. They’re always hoping that one more piece of black PR believed by one more fooled person about the guy who successfully stood up to them will make their losing disappear. And it’s true; for a second it can seem to work. If black PR is dragged through time to keep it working, of course, it becomes sociopathy.
Poor losers also hope and pray for something evil to befall the person who stood up to them, which, in their minds, in many instances, is all it takes to win against them. That is why, since Scientologists universally sense that more black PR won’t work, 27+ years of black PR having failed (except notably with the IRS, of course), and since they refuse to dump poor loser tech, the threat of assassination has never been higher. There are some awfully gargantuan illusions on the line here. It would be beneficial to Scientologists and to their wog targets that they be taught and learn to be something different from poor losers, especially with all the losing they’re facing in their future.
[Hubbard] wasn’t lying, by the way, when he stated that anyone engaging in black propaganda is either using a wrong way to right a wrong or confessing he can’t make it in open competition. Hubbard and Scientology and Scientologists have never engaged in their black PR campaigns on me to wrongly right any real wrong. Therefore Scientology and Scientologists all confess that they can’t make it in open competition. If they would take that one Hubbard datum to heart it would be a very good start. Scientologists must teach and learn something different from poor loserism, and if it can’t be applied in Scientology they should become wogs.
It is clear that you don’t do anything about the black PR you manufactured on me because you are still invested in obtaining the result it brings, including the result achieved with the IRS. I think it would be good to honestly review your investment in Hubbard, in Scientology and in the results of your application of Scientology to SPs like me. In fact I think if any Scientologist and anyone else involved in the Scientology conflict would honestly review their investments in the same things, a great good could now occur.1
The people who tasked or incited Shelton to black PR me undoubtedly say or pretend that they are, and he is, DAing my lies, DAing me. They don’t acknowledge that they’re black propagandizing, and serving the Miscavigeites’ purposes. The picture they paint of me is a Xenu-level SP and liar, the son of perdition, deserving all the DAing I get.
Those taskers, however, were getting Shelton to black PR me, lie about me, not DA me. He was a person who was willing to black PR me to be solidly in the tribe, and the leaders desired him in the tribe because he was willing to do so. I was a person he was given to target. And I am used to DA his black PR, to reflect his invective. You get the same hat. Wear it well.
For several years, I have known or sensed that the controlled opposition persons and group had a membership requirement that everyone hate me and act inimically toward me. You have been in a similar relationship or condition for several years.
It’s the same spooky way that all the Exscientologists or Ex-Sea Organs viewed me all the years they were inside, in both the Hubbard-headed cult and the Miscavige cult. If a knowledgeable Scientologist granted me credence, meaning receptively read what I’ve written or receptively listened to what I’ve said, or was even suspected of granting me such credence, he would be in Ethics in a blowdown.
The same phenomenon exists in all tribes to varying degrees, I would think; although an untribal tribe is conceivable. And it is possible to be untribal in some tribes, and even in conflict with one’s tribal leaders, and still be tribe members. Not in Scientology, however, and not in Shelton’s obvious current tribe.
Scientology’s system for spotting and “handling” disaffection, doubt or the faintest blush of BIs is just so totalitarian in “Free World” society, and so astonishingly well-documented. Huge sets of red, green and blue printed volumes, years of recorded lectures, and an Internet full of “secret” and “unsecret” docs, evidence this paranoid and extremist system. The results from decades of application of the tech and policies of Scientology, Hubbard and Miscavige are freely available.
On its side of the scale, the Scientology system is a learning tool, relatively safe, and a stupendous example of a wrong way to happiness. Although value can be derived from the experience or knowledge of Scientology, just as the experience or knowledge of prison can have value, it is utterly unnecessary, just like prison.
The tribe’s leaders don’t even have to tell a new joiner whom to attack and not grant credence to. That can be picked up by their black PR on their target — as a psychotic, a fruitcake, a sellout, a criminal, a war monger, and by observing the tribe leaders’ treatment of their target.
Getting someone to attack another is known to create in the manipulated or directed underling tribe member a psychological hold that is difficult to escape. As early as possible, Scientologists indoctrinate their recruits in the SP doctrine and get them to hate and attack a whole class of persons, the SPs. And SPs are, de facto, whomever the tribal head says.
They are, overwhelmingly, largely among the more conscienceful human beings, and many are already among the Scientology cultists’ notable victims. Thus, getting Scientologists to hate and attack these individuals and this religious class is truly satanic.
So, who gave Shelton the task to black PR me, or black PR you? It was command intention inside Miscavigeite Scientology, and it is command intention inside the controlled opposition. Jesse Prince described this command intention in the Miscavigeite hierarchy: “It was required protocol to hate and contribute to the destruction of men and women that I had never met or laid eyes on” — like me. 2
Shelton is now a bigger brave in a smaller tribe with the same required protocol.
Command Intention has been accurately defined as “the desires and orders of the person in charge of Scientology.” These desires and orders toward Hubbard’s and Miscavige’s targets are to silence or destroy us, that is, to reduce our images to beast level, to just go all the way in and obliterate us, or otherwise fair game us to death.
Command intention can also be the desires and orders of the person, or persons, in charge of any group, any cult, any police force, any army, any nation. Command intention in Scientology toward Command’s targets, however, is axiomatically antisocial, indeed criminal, being to conspire against these human targets’ rights and persons.
The “Code of a Sea Org Member states: “I promise to uphold, forward and carry out, Command Intention.” And all Scientologists’ “Code of Honor” states: “Never fear to hurt another in a just cause.” It is also axiomatic in Scientology, if not to every Scientologist, that Scientology is the most just of just causes.
The tribalists that Shelton is united with in their black PR narrative, must be the people he says are putting their shoulders to the same wheel as he is. Expecting me to put my shoulder to their wheel, which they’re using to crush me, is way silly. For God’s sake, I got busy and found a better wheel.