Dear Mr. Miscavige: In a recent article “1950 Shades of Pinks and Greys: Was L. Ron Hubbard Drugged Out When He Developed OT III?” published by your academic collaborator Massimo Introvigne, as I’m sure you know, one of your other collaborators Ian Camacho made the claim that asking your organization or you or your organization juniors to produce a certain letter would create for you, et al. a “lose-lose scenario.” Asking the Church of Scientology to produce a copy of the letter creates a … [Read more...] about To David Miscavige: Request for Production
Ian Camacho
Rum and pills of pink and grey
Camacho has signaled that he will not answer my requests for evidence supporting his fact statements in his black propaganda piece. ((; ; )) It is the common and cowardly practice of Scientologists to not respond responsibly to legitimate challenges to their false claims or lies, but to ignore … [Read more...] about Rum and pills of pink and grey
The Double-Blindness, Deafness and Dumbness of Peer Reviewers
On July 15, I emailed Massimo Introvigne, the Editor and Publisher of The Journal of CESNUR, and cced Ian Camacho, the author of an article smearing me that Introvigne published: Dear Dr. Introvigne: You just published an article “1950 Shades of Pinks and Greys: Was L. Ron Hubbard Drugged Out When He Developed OT III?” by Ian C. Camacho. (( )) Mr. Camacho states in his “Acknowledgements:” Major thanks go to Massimo … [Read more...] about The Double-Blindness, Deafness and Dumbness of Peer Reviewers
A Rum Time for Ron in Old Town Las Palmas (Part 1)
Dear Mr. Camacho: Re: Your article “1950 Shades of Pinks and Greys: Was L. Ron Hubbard Drugged Out When He Developed OT III?” (( “1950 Shades of Pinks and Greys: Was L. Ron Hubbard Drugged Out When He Developed OT III?” )) I am grateful for your effort to school your readers on the legal term “burden of proof.” (The definition below is from my old Black’s Law Dictionary Fifth Ed.) (( Burden of proof. (Lat. onus … [Read more...] about A Rum Time for Ron in Old Town Las Palmas (Part 1)
Degrees of Untruth: Reverse engineering L. Ron Hubbard
Dear Mr. Camacho: I received your January 15, 2019 email response to my post “Batting for CENSUR”[1. Batting for CESNUR: Rookie Ian Camacho takes his swings for the team ] and I will reply more fully in due course. Right now, I am just following along Hubbard’s Personal Efficiency route. Please see this version of his “PE Handout” published in Volume 6 of The Organization Executive Course © 1991. [1. HCO Info Letter PE Handout (PDF format)]This publication is important in the immediate … [Read more...] about Degrees of Untruth: Reverse engineering L. Ron Hubbard
Batting for CESNUR: Rookie Ian Camacho takes his swings for the team
Dear Mr. Camacho: Thank you. My indenting should make our dialog easy to follow. I am posting our email exchange because your article is public and there is considerable public interest in L. Ron Hubbard, and especially in his exceptional lying and his many other ways of victimizing people. I also believe that the other persons you identify in your article as “critics” and “religious scholars,” and whom, along with me, you disparage, could also benefit from the communications between you and … [Read more...] about Batting for CESNUR: Rookie Ian Camacho takes his swings for the team