At least by 1984, from what has been reported, you had made it into the Hubbard sect’s criminal conspiracy. Probably, because of the realities at that time, when you were appointed a director in the newly incorporated Church of Scientology International (“CSI”) in 1982, you were a coconspirator. As you know, your conspiracy is structured and operates as a techno-occult Mafia family. Many of your sect’s victims and critics called your operation a “crime cult” or … [Read more...] about A letter to Mike Rinder: Your victim speaks up (Part 4)
Jesse Prince
Not a Rocket Scientist’s Guide to Insiders: Open letter to Chris Shelton Dear Mr. Shelton: I deeply disagree with a few of your claims in your book Scientology: A to Xenu An Insider’s Guide to What Scientology is Really All About. It is obvious that while presenting your book as a factual guide, you are propagandizing in key areas, and in a way that serves certain purposes of the Scientologists and their collaborators. I will try to communicate my criticisms in the next few days as time allows. Right now, I am writing and … [Read more...] about Not a Rocket Scientist’s Guide to Insiders: Open letter to Chris Shelton
Secret Lives interview (1997)
This interview was in Vancouver, BC in 1997. I had left the US earlier that year when I had discovered online a piece of what the Scientologists filed to get their 1993 IRS tax exemption, which included black PR on me. I’ve written about this a number of times. Recently Caroline and I have assembled materials that show that the US Federal Government conspired with the Scientologists to violate public policy in the process of the grant of tax exemption.[1. See, e.g., the … [Read more...] about Secret Lives interview (1997)
Marty Rathbun knows Scientology terrorism
He writes: Unidentified Scientology Terrorists Posted on December 14, 2014 by Mark C. Rathbun The following video captures a second wave of scientology terrorists trespassing at a private studio in Hollywood (for the first wave see the the last post, Scientology Top Management) on Saturday afternoon 13 December 2014. They are attempting to intimidate and silence me in my ongoing consultant work with the credible production companies producing feature-length, theater-release documentary … [Read more...] about Marty Rathbun knows Scientology terrorism
For Jesse Prince: Who gets helped?
The help I have requested from you is what would help many people – the Scientologists’ present and future victims, present and future Scientologists, and wogs in every area of life. You know this because I have communicated it to you; and, to someone with your personal knowledge of Scientology and the Scientologists’ war on me, it is obvious. The same is true of the help I have requested from Rathbun, Rinder, and anyone else who participated in the Armstrong Op, or in the wider war. Here is … [Read more...] about For Jesse Prince: Who gets helped?
Memoirizing lines
Nancy Many (NM) posted on Ex-Scientologist Message Board: NM: Hello ESMB and especially Gerry and Arnie, Hello. I don’t do ESMB now. NM: I am jumping in here after a three year absence from watching these boards and ‘keeping up’. I have been completing my Master’s degree and my clinical training as a multi-faith chaplain. Please forgive me if I speak of things that are well known or that I “should” have known if I had been keeping up. I have written my memoir, as have many others. I … [Read more...] about Memoirizing lines