I posted the below comment to Tony Ortega’s blog today. It appeared that it propagated, and I think I saw ten “likes.” But now my comment isn’t there and “Disqus” says it was “Deleted as Spam.” “Disqus” also says, “We have received your request for review,” although I made no such request. This has happened before and was never resolved. https://tonyortega.org/2022/03/27/scientology-wants-you-to-forget-laura-d-got-her-files-because-259-ministers-had-access-to-them/ More path … [Read more...] about Laura DeCrescenzo and me and our ever-so-penitent Scientology priests.
Judge Paul G. Breckenridge Jr.
Not a Rocket Scientist’s Guide to Insiders: Open letter to Chris Shelton
https://youtu.be/PL5s7fPTgO4 Dear Mr. Shelton: I deeply disagree with a few of your claims in your book Scientology: A to Xenu An Insider’s Guide to What Scientology is Really All About. It is obvious that while presenting your book as a factual guide, you are propagandizing in key areas, and in a way that serves certain purposes of the Scientologists and their collaborators. I will try to communicate my criticisms in the next few days as time allows. Right now, I am writing and … [Read more...] about Not a Rocket Scientist’s Guide to Insiders: Open letter to Chris Shelton
The Unbreakable Miss Lovely and me
Tony Ortega’s book is intriguing, both in content and composition, and will be useful for all of us who stand against the Scientologists for all their victims. Paulette Cooper’s history with the Scientologists intersects with mine at a number of points, and we shared the fortune of being clients of the same almost famous Boston attorney at the same time, Michael Flynn. I read her book The Scandal of Scientology inside and outside the cult, and over the years I’ve learned a lot about the woman … [Read more...] about The Unbreakable Miss Lovely and me
Letter to Dan Sherman
Dear Dan: As you know, I’ve written and published a number of things about our relationship and your “Armstrong Operation,” principally in declarations for different legal proceedings. I’ve had to deal with you Scientologists and your collaborators’ perverse spin on your dirty op and your subsequent black propaganda around the world for almost thirty years. Your Scientology operators, of course, started your op as the “Gerry Armstrong Project” thirty-two years ago. Persue (sic) the potential … [Read more...] about Letter to Dan Sherman
Plea to Paulette Cooper
Tl;dr Thanks Paulette. [WWP post:https://whyweprotest.net/threads/seeking-michael-j-flynn-v-paulette-cooper-cases.116702/] Can you please tell the truth about your false affidavits and how you came to sign them. WRONG -- While Mike and I are not on good terms, we did not sue each other (please, 19 lawsuits against me from Scientology were enough). I think we both understand where the other was coming from and were sympathetic about what the other went through and had no wish to add to each … [Read more...] about Plea to Paulette Cooper
Missing Scientology v. Armstrong Trial Transcripts Found
The court reporter’s daily transcripts of the 1984 Scientology v. Armstrong trial in LA Superior Court have been on gerryarmstrong.org for some years, except for May 21 and May 31, which were volumes 16 and 22 respectively. All the documents I’ve had for this case, known as Armstrong 1, are available at: http://www.gerryarmstrong.org/50k/legal/a1/index.php The trial transcripts run from April 19 http://www.gerryarmstrong.org/50k/legal/a1/2466.php to June 8, 1984: … [Read more...] about Missing Scientology v. Armstrong Trial Transcripts Found