I, Gerry Armstrong declare: 1. I was a Scientologist from 1969 through 1981. For eleven years, I was in the “Sea Organization,” (“Sea Org”) the segment of Scientologists through which Scientology “churches” and “religious” groups around the world are controlled and Scientology-connected commercial enterprises are overseen. The Sea Org is a pseudo-military organization, and I rose to the rank of “ensign.” I served in the Sea Org on its ships or at its land bases in several countries. 2. … [Read more...] about Declaration of Gerry Armstrong (March 29, 2021)
Trust Betrayed
“Trust Betrayed;” my experience and knowledge lead to the conclusion and warning that the Scientologists are to be distrusted. First communicated in Salekhard, Russia, September 2017 Trust Betrayed: the trickery and treachery of Scientology and Scientologists At the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Destructive and Pseudo-Religious Organizations, Sects and Cults: Challenges and Solutions” Salekhard, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russian Federation, September 2017 Your … [Read more...] about Trust Betrayed
Announcement: World’s leading religious scholars meet in Sakhalin to discuss issues of spiritual security
World's leading religious scholars meet in Sakhalin to discuss issues of spiritual security[1. Grateful thanks to anonymous person for this informal translation of Russian announcement.] by Alexander Kyzmin Monday, October 13, 2014 An international workshop conference titled "Totalitarian sects and civil society: Current challenges of spiritual security" will convene in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on October 21-22. Among the guests of honor and speakers at the conference will be world-renowned … [Read more...] about Announcement: World’s leading religious scholars meet in Sakhalin to discuss issues of spiritual security
Ryazan Delegation Reports In
An article about the Podolsk forum was posted on the website of the Ryazan diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church and mirrored on other websites in Ryazan. http://море-мп.рф/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=232:2013-09-17-11-44-41&catid=1:2011-01-12-08-34-24 Ryazan is a city and oblast or province southeast of Moscow City and Oblast. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryazan A translation kindly done for us follows. The “legendary” characterization caused Caroline slight … [Read more...] about Ryazan Delegation Reports In
Russian Scientologists Erasing Consciences for their US Masters
The Scientologists have just published a new and updated black PR page on me on their Russian Religious Freedom Watch hate site: http://religiousfreedomwatch-ru.org/religious-extremists/gerald-armstrong The Scientologists provided a pdf with an English translation: http://religiousfreedomwatch-ru.org/uploads/Armstrong-33_years_of_bla_bla-EN.pdf They have some nice Anonymous protest pics from Vancouver and Hamburg, and a goofy goose step pic allegedly from London, but unrelated to … [Read more...] about Russian Scientologists Erasing Consciences for their US Masters
Conference by Gerald Armstrong, former personal archivist of L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Scientology cult
Gerald Armstrong spoke in the auditorium of the Nikolo-Ugreshky Seminary on September 16, 2013. Also taking part was Alexander Dvorkin, Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Theology, Professor at St. Tikhon's Orthodox University, President of the Center for Religious Studies, Chairman of the Justice Ministry's Expert Council for State Religious Expertise, Vice-President of the European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Cults (FECRIS). Gerald Armstrong is a well-known … [Read more...] about Conference by Gerald Armstrong, former personal archivist of L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Scientology cult