Title: *** The Emmons Report: Investigative Summary
Author: mdallara@kcii.com (Mark Dallara)
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 01:55:52 GMT
There's no name on this document from the Clearwater Police Department, but I assume that it was authored by Lt. Ray Emmons, since that is what I requested. It has been scanned and OCR'd, but not thoroughly edited, so beware the typo's. --BEGIN QUOTE-- SCIENTOLOGY INVESTIGATION SUMMARY The following is a very brief generalized summary concerning the investigative effort employed by the Clearwater Police Department regarding the organization known as Scientology. Some aspects of this report over periods of time and portions of the investigation in which members of the U.S. Attorney's Office, The F.B.I., The Attorney General's Office of the State of Florida, The State Attorney's Office in Pinellas County, The Sheriff's Office of Pinellas County and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement were contacted or involved. The agencies mentioned above were involved in the investigation with the Clearwater Police Department between 21 March 1983 and 28 February 1984. The investigation took on many facets, the first being examination, collating and deciphering many Scientology documents. Another phase of the investigation was interviewing witnesses and collecting new materials and evidence. The cultivation of persons both in and out of the Scientology organization was a priority item. All three of these phases, the documentation process, the collection of new evidence, the cultivation of sources was to some degree accomplished. Most of the documents were deciphered in preparation for court presentation until it was learned by this writer that the documents in question would not be used in court proceedings due to their complexity and difficulty in court procedural presentation. Two very important witnesses were interviewed concerning fraudulent statements made about the Founder's background biography and financial transactions. Both of these witnesses testified to the incorporation of shell corporations designed to pay L. Ron Hubbard exorbitant large amounts of monies. The witnesses testified to being in possession of documents and evidence to support their allegations of unlawful inurement to L. Ron Hubbrd. These documents are currently under seal in a Los Angeles Court. The presiding judge in the case in which the documents were sealed laid down guidelines by which certain investigative bodies could retrieve these documents. The Assistant State Attorney assigned to the Scientology case determined the documents in question were not possible to obtain in accordance to the criteria for discovery set down by the presiding judge in the court case in Los Angeles. This State Attorney determined that at the very least a grand jury would have to be impaneled to show the presiding judge in the Scientology vs. Armstrong case, the need for law enforcement to obtain the documents in question. This investigator raised several questions concerning the Assistant State Attorney's rendering and interpretation of Judge Cole's criteria for 'Discovery' to law enforcement. This investigator called the attorney representing Gerald Armstrong in the Scientology vs. Armstrong case to gee her opinion and procedural guidelines in obtaining the documents in question. The lawyer in Los Angeles, Julia Dragojevic, told this investigator a motion would have to be entered into the court system showing a need for law enforcement in obtaining the documents. Miss Dragojevic further stated since the State Attorney's Office has taken a sworn statement showing the content of the documents and attendant criminal violations, the motion to obtain the documents would probably stand a good chance of being entertained in a positive fashion. This investigator relayed this information on to the Assistant State Attorney assigned to the Scientology case. This assistant told this investigator a motion filed by their office to obtain the documents in question would let the Scientologists know the State Attorney is interested in these documents. The assistant further stated in all probability, a motion filed by the local State Attorney in Pinellas County would require several trips to Los Angeles defending the right of the Pinellas State Attorney to possess copies of these documents. These documents were never obtained by the Pinellas County State Attorney's Office. It should be noted: This investigator sent the instruction letter from Mrs. Dragojevic concerning the obtainment of the documents in question in the Scientology vs. Armstrong case, to the Ontario Provincial police. On the 26th of February 1984, I was instructed by Det. Sgt. Al Campini, of the Ontario Provincial Police, their legal counsel in the Scientology case was flying to Los Angeles and entering a motion to obtain the incriminating evidentary documents from the court. These documents will be part of the investigation and ultimately the court presentation in the case of the Province of Ontario vs. Scientology court case. A discussion of the Canadian investigation will be included in this summary in a later portion. The investigative task force housed at the State Attorney's Office from March 21, 1983 through August 1983 which investigated the activities mentioned in the preceeding pages of this sunrmary, ultimately was phased out as productivity was at a standstill. The documents in the Armstrong case could not or would not be obtained, the documents explaining Scientology practices and policies were not going to be used in court due their complexity and the other investigators assigned to this task force were constantly being assigned to other assignments not relating to Scientology. During this time frame, this investigator contacted representatives from the Attorney General's Office of the State of Florida regarding the Scientology investigation. These attorney's reviewed the documents and testimonies of witnesses and came to the conclusion any investigation of Scientology should remain on a local level or a federal level. The attorney's from the Attorney General's Office would be willing to cooperate in helping the local State Attorney's Office with any civil RICO litigation the State Attorney might want. In the discussions this investigator had with these representatives they emphasized the complexity of the Scientology organization, the immense amount of litigation any prosecution lawyer might encounter, and the amount of work and manpower required to prove fraudulent activities. After this investigator explained to the Attorney General lawyers the scope of financial fraudulent activities involved, these lawyers made reference to the tremendous undertaking a financial investigation would take in form of manpower, accountants and lawyers. The Attorney General lawyers told me if more traditional type RICO violations could be proven such as murder, extortion, etc., the investigation would be on better standing. This investigator then consulted with representatives of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Tampa concerning the Scientology organization. At the two meetings with the representatives of the U.S. Attorney's Office, one of these meetings, City Attorney Thomas Bustin was present, the representatives were not too optimistic about federal involvement in the investigation. The federal officials emphasized an investigative undertaking involving the Scientology organization would have to be staffed by 2 or more lawyers, accountants, and several investigators. The investigation would tie up several people for a long extended period of time. When this investigator told the federal officials Scientology is a massive fraud which involved several shell corporations designed to hide money flows out of the country, the federal officials told Mr. Bustin not to be too optimistic about federal involvement. The federal officials told Mr. Bustin and myself, financial investigations of this magnitude involve a great deal of court appearances by the prosecution legal staff regarding subpeonas and bank records. The federal officials continued to state the Scientology organization uses the court systems as a tool by issuing subpoenas for legal staff in various courts across the country in an attempt to keep prosecution legal staffs tied up in court appearances and "wear them down". The federal government did not want to get entangled in court appearances throughout this country that were time consuming and costly. The federal officials also emphasized any prosecutor who takes on Scientology would have that case alone for 3 to 4 years. The inference this investigator gathered by this statement is that careers would come to a standstill for the period of the investigation into Scientology. All the prosecution staffs of the State Attorney's Office, the Attorney General's Office of the State of Florida and the U.S. Attorney's Office were cautious about the Ist Amendment rights and did not want to approach anything in the Scientology investigation which might be deemed as religious. Federal prosecutors told this writer any investigation of Scientology would have to include as members of the investigative staff 2 to 3 lawyers, 2 to 3 accountants and several investigators. The federal attorney's told both Mr. Bustin and myself it was doubtful the superiors in Washington would approve of any such expenditures at this time. The federal prosecutor told usr Mr. Bustin and myself, he would be in contact with us at a later date with an answer to the federal involvement with the Scientology case. It should be noted: The federal prosecutor conducting this meeting was extremely critical of the investigative effort employed by the Pinellas-Pasco State Attorney's Office regarding the Scientology investigation. He particularly took note of the fact, a lawyer or lawyers were not assigned on a fulltime basis, no accountants and a limited investigative staff was operating. Also this prosecutor did not give Mr. Bustin and myself a definite NO as to federal involvement in the investigation of Scientology. He did, however, state for us not to be too optimistic concerning federal involvement. I told the prosecutor I was intending to travel to Ontario, Canada and review the documents and case preparation put together by the Ontario Provincial Police and the Ontario Crown Attorneys in their case against Scientology. The prosecutor told me not to bother with the trip to Canada as it probably wouldn't make any difference in the federal government's position on Scientology. During all the meetings conducted with the federal prosecutor, this investigator emphasized the need for federal involvement due to the tremendous amounts of monies being transferred from one Scientology corporate shell to another Scientology corporate shell and ultimately to foreign banks. The Clearwater Police Department does not have the capability to trace and track monies throughout this country and foreign countries. The last meeting with the federal prosecution staff of the U.S. Attorney's Office, Florida Federal Middle District was held on 29 September 1983. To date we (meaning any official of the City of Clearwater) have not received a reply from the U.S. Attorney's concerning federal involvement in a total investigation into the Scientology organization and its attendant fraudulent practices. CURRENT FEDERAL INVOLVEMENT THE INVESTIGATION INTO THE SCIENTOLOGY ORGANIZATION On or about 20 December 1983, I was contacted by a private attorney concerning the following information: The private attorney told me he had a witness who could provide infor~ation concerning a covert operation involving a federal judge. The private lawyer further stated the Scientology organization paid in excess of $200,000 to a private investigator to conduct the operation. The purpose of the operation was to entrap and compromise a federal judge who was presiding over a federal civil case. I contacted a federal prosecutor concerning the information provided to me by the private lawyer. The prosecutor was aware of the situation and was also contacted by the private lawyer. The federal prosecutor told this investigator his office would be handling the investigation. Apparently after the reporting of the first covert operation involving the federal judge, it was discovered the Scientology organization had conducted another covert operation involving the same private investigators and involving local businessmen: refer to attached newspaper accounts. This investigator contacted the federal prosecutor involved in the federal judge case and asked him if the City of Clearwater could conduct the second investigation concerning covert operations involving Scientology operatives and local Clearwater businessmen. The prosecutor told this investigator both covert operations conducted by Scientology would be investigated by the U.S. Xttorney's Office with the aid of the F.B.i. The reason this investigator asked the federal prosecutor about local participation stems from the news article concerning the covert operation against the local businessmen. in this news article, attachment A, the lawyer for the Scientology organization made the following comments: "Johnson acknowledged, however, that church attorneys paid detectives to uncover what the church believed was a City conspiracy to deprive the church of its rights." Three private investigators used a yacht and the cover story about the wealthy foreign investors to carry out their inquiry, he said. Johnson would not confirm or deny whether the yacht contained hidden microphones and cameras but said no drugs or prostitutes were on board. The investigators successfully obtained evidence of a conspiracy said Johnson, a former Hillsborough County State Attorney. Based on this news article and the fact the attorney for the Scientology organization would not confirm or deny the use of monitoring equipment in an attempt to obtain evidence of a community conspiracy this investigator felt violations of Florida State Statutes, Chapter 934, entitled, Security of Communications, may have been violated. This investigator contacted an investigator from the State Attorney's Office who made the same inquiry as this writer to the federal prosecution staff. The investigator told this writer the U.S. Attorney's Office would handle the investigation in total including the covert operation against the local businessmen. This investigator then called the F.B.I. agent who was assigned the investigation. This agent toldthis investigator he would be out of town and would not start the investigation until he returned. This conversation took place on the Ist of February 1984. On the Ist of March, this investigator was contacted by the F.B.I. agent assigned to the federal judge case. The F.B.I. agent told this investigator he would begin interviews of persons involved in the covert operations. I asked the agent if his investigation would include interviewing the local businessmens' case as well as the federal judge case. The agent wasn't sure if his investigation would encompass the local businessmen. It was apparent by the agent comments no investigative work was conducted from the time the covert operations were reported until the Ist of March 1984. This time frame is from around 20 December 1983 or a total of 70 days. On or about the 7th of February 1984, this investigator cultivated a potential witness who could testify to large sums of monies going to L. Ron Hubbard through shell corporations. This investigator contacted a federal prosecutor concerning the witness's possible testimony. The prosecutor gave this investigator permission to interview the witness and report back to him any information relating to the covert operation involving the federal judge. This investigator contacted an Assistant State Attorney from the Pinellas State Attorney's Office. The witness's lawyer wanted a Contract of Immunity for the witness in exchange for her cooperation. After many days, the State Attorney's Office agreed to giving the witness a verbal statement which would constitute a Contract of Immunity for the testimony she would give. The witness came to Clearwater and testified from 25th of February through the 27th of February concerning practices and activities that are criminal in nature. Attending this meeting were officers and an accountant from the Ontario Provincial Police Department and the Ontario Crown Attorney's Office. The witness testified to the following information: L. Ron Hubbard is still in control of virtually every facet of Scientology management and organizational command despite the fact he supposedly resigned from church operations in 1966. L. Ron Hubbard rules the Scientology world through a handful of selected subordinates. The statements from top management of Scientology is that the organization is a business not a religion. In 1972 a shell corporation was designed and enacted whereby L. Ron Hubbard would receive massive funds from the Church of Scientology accounts for foreign students coming to Clearwater, Florida to further their Scientology studies. (As can be shown by this statement: This practice innuring L. Ron Hubbard has taken another avenue. Both witnesses interviewed in March 1983 concerning financial gains by L. Ron Hubbard testified to shell corporations designed for only one purpose, payment to L. Ron Hubbard.) The witness testifying in February of 1984 further told investigators and prosecutors I. Ron Hubbard was given the title of Consultant and Director and he billed one of the shell corporations for services he did not render. L. Ron Hubbard maintains staff persons of the Church of Scientology for his own personal needs and projects. These staff members were paid by the Church of Scientology and whatever profits from the projects and services were derived by L. Ron Hubbard. The Church of Scientology of California paid expenses for: A. Consulting services by L. Ron Hubbard. B. The staff and household expenses of L. Ron Hubbard and his family as well as to his personal office for research projects. C. The cost of research assisted by Church of Scientology personnel while aboard the ship "Apollo" D. Facilitating L. Ron Hubbard in getting books and materials published through church and the publications organization. E. Numerous projects initiated by L. Ron Hubbard, which then had to be substantiated in board minutes and funded. Such projects included: 1. Security advise and security checking the government of Morocco. 2. Exploration (never conducted). 3. Musical research and the creation of records. 4. Movies -- Director's fees and script writing. 5. Tape cassettes THE FINANCE NETWORK Non-U.S. Scientology "Churches" forward funds to RRF along the finance network. A Flag banking officer was appointed in almost every Scientology "Org" and was paid locally. The bank officer would forward monies collected from students into a Sea Org Reserve accounts. These Sea Org Reserve accounts were represented to Scientology members to be just that, reserve accounts for the use in furthering Scientology. In actuality, most of the monies deposited in the Sea Org accounts were then transferred to shell corporations and then to L. Ron Hubbard's personal accounts in Luxemburg and Liechtenstein. Exorbitant billings were made to local orgs from Flag Headquarters (Clearwater, Florida) to facilitate more payments to "Sea Org Reserve" accounts and ultimately to L. Ron Hubbard. The shell corporations were made quite prosperous by these payments "up the lines" for services never rendered. Example of how the financial network operates: A public Scientologist may wish to go to "Flag", the Scientology training headquarters, to take what would be considered in the Scientology world, the creme of services and courses. They would pay in advance at their local Scientology orgs for the trip to Flag and these monies would go into the shell corporations accounts while the services were delivered by the Church of Scientology members and staff. The Church of Sciencology would have to absorb all expenses of training and services while L. Ron Hubbard reaps most of the proceeds. The amount of money delivered to L. Ron Hubbard's personal accounts is around $200 million dollars. The witness further stated the practice of routing monies through shell corporations to L. Ron Hubbard exists today. The names of the shell corporations have changed but the "game" is still the same. The witness can also testify to being in charge of an operation whose duties were to justify payments to L. Ron Hubbard, manufactured back billings for services not rendered. The duties of the witness also included finding ways to legitimize fraudulent activities. This investigator is currently in contact with attorneys for potential witnesses who can provide information concerning covert operations conducted by the Scientology at the bidding of the Scientology management including its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. Other potential witnesses can verify financial transactions to L. Ron Hubbard, some of which took place in Clearwater, Florida. Potential witnesses can provide not only verbal evidence but in some cases documentation and tape recordings in which the management of Scientology openly discuss fraudulent transfers of monies and discuss these operations in these terms. THE CANADIAN INVESTIGATION The Ontario Provincial Police Department and the Ontario Crown Attorney's Office begin the investigation into the Scientology organization and more specifically in the practices of the Scientology organization in Toronto in 1980 with the following allocation of manpower. The investigation into Scientology began in 1980 with the assignment of 6 fulltime police officers. In February of 1981 another fulltime police officer was assigned. In March of 1983, a search warrant was conducted utilizing 129 police officers. 904 boxes of materials were seized. Much of this material deals with financial transactions which pass through Flag Headquarters in Clearwater, Florida on its way to L. Ron Hubbard's private bank coffers. Two more fulltime police officers were assigned to the investigation on a fulltime basis in March of 1983. Five more police officers were assigned to the investigative process in March of 1983. In August of 1983, 7 more police officers were assignedto the investigation. In July of 1983 an accounting firm was retained: 4 accountants assigned cost $250,000. The total cost of the Canadian operation is unknown at this time. Total officers assigned to the Scientology investigation: 15 Officers 3 Supervisors 4 Accountants 4 Crown Attorneys The thrust of the Canadian investigation is to prove the Scientology organization is a massive criminal enterprise designed to fraudulently induce adherents to take Scientology courses and monies for these courses and services are received by a few top Scientologists, notably L. Ron Hubbard. To show L. Ron Hubbard is not entitled to any fees for trademarks and copyrights as he resigned from the Scientology organization in 1966. To show L. Ron Hubbard collects fees for services not rendered through shell corporations. These amounts of monies represent in excess of $200 million dollars. The adherents of Scientology are lead to believe monies paid into the Scientology organization are for the furtherance of Scientology. The adherents are not told L. Ron Bubbard receives about 50% of all monies generated in the Scientology world. The Canadian authorities have actively investigated the financial flows of monies and the practices of Scientology since 1980. Most of their investigation centers around the Flag Headquarters in Clearwater, Florida. FUTURE INVESTIGATIONS The future investigation of the Scientology organization is contingent on a variety of variables: 1. Any investigation of Scientology has to be a joint federal, state and local endeavor, with the proper number of investigators assigned. Equipment, clerical staff and professional help such as lawyers and accountants are extremely important. 2. The total staff committed to any investigative effort would have to be trained in Scientology practices, policies and procedures. 3. The selection of an investigative staff would be based on each individual assigned having demonstrated by past experience a total commitment in tackling virtually impossible ventures. The persons assigned to this type of investigation would have to have a scholarly background and on an individual basis, willing to take on extreme challenges. It cannot be overemphasized that an investigation such as Scientology must be staffed with the proper amount of people who possess the expertise in the various aspects of investigative/prosecution steps, or the investigation of this organization is merely prefunctionary in nature. 4. Money should be no object. If the scope of the investigation of Scientology is predicated on a limited budget expenditure that is conservative, the investigation should not conrnence. 5. The U.S. Constitution was conceived to protect the citizens of this country, and not for individuals to hide behind. Determinations concerning the possible court challenges and problems involving First Amendment provisions should be made in court. Prosecutors shy away from possible court challenges because they are time consuming and the possibility of winning these challenges is a 50/50 proposition. If the prosecutor is well-versed in Constitutional law or is willing to educate himself in these areas, he or she should not be hesitant in taking court challenges on a win-or-lose basis. We will never know if we can win in court until we try. Possible future avenues of ultimate prosecution of Scientology are as follows: 1. The Ontario Provincial Police are currently engaged in collating and cataloging boxes of material seized in the execution of a search warrant of the Toronto org. (A total of 904 legal size boxes of material was seized.) This process is very time consuming and will probably not be completed until April or May of 1984. Some of the documents seized in the aforementioned search warrant are referenced back to the International Flag Headquarters of Scientology in Clearwater, Florida. A determination has not been made as to the scope of possible criminal violations emanating or directed from International Flag Headquarters located in Clearwater, Florida. 2. The Federal government, i.e., federal prosecutors and the F.B.I., have not formally refused to be involved in the investigation of Scientology. In all the discussions with federal officials, these officials have stated not to be too optimistic about federal involvement; however, a final review of the Scientology case has not been conducted by the Justice Department in Washington, D. C. 4. The Consumer Affairs Division of the City of New York are currently engaged in an investigation of SCIENTOLOGY, exact status, unknown. CONCLUSION The SCIENTOLOGY organization has been in existence since 1952 and in Clearwater since 1975. Since its inception, SCIENTOLOGY has flourished and prospered despite setbacks in Australia, France and in 1977, Washington, D. C. Many governments throughout this country have expressed an interest about SCIENTOLOGY and its practices and these governments have launched local inquiries into this organization. The conclusions of these independent investigations have also been the same, an open investigation without a definitive direction or purpose. The SCIENTOLOGY organization is a multi-faceted, extremely complex organization, purposefully designed to encumber any one investigation conducted on a local level. Added to this encumbrance is the fact SCIENTOLOGY claims to be a religion and therefore, protected under the provisions of the first amendment. The SCIENTOLOGY organization exploits every opportunity to hide behind their so called religious status. This posture is epitomized by a SCIENTOLOGY document entitled, Level O Checklist. In the Level O Checklist, instructions are given to SCIENTOLOCY members who are approached by medical doctors while these members are attempting to employ SCIENTOLOGY methods and practices to patients in hospitals and nursing homes. The Instructional Guide states the SCIENTOLOGY member is to claim religious status when approached by a medical doctor if the doctor is disturbed or displeased with the SCIENTOLOGISTS administering medical treatment to the patient. If the SCTENTOLOGY Member is arrested, a lawyer will be provided immediately and a suit is to be instituted in excess of $100,000 against the doctor and anyone else that it might be advantageous to sue for violating the SCIENTOLOGIST'S first amendment rights in practicing religion on the patient. As can be shown by this one rendering of a simple document, Level O Checklist, the SCIENTOLOGY organization has prepared itself against outside intrusions regarding its practices. In the Level O Checklist, the instructions are for SCZENTOLOGY members to safeguard against inquiries about the quasi medical practices veiled to assume religious connotations. The SCIENTOLOGY Organization and L. Ron Hubbard have authored hundreds of documents and policies which are all designed to protect SCIENTOLOGY from investigation and ultimately, prosecution. One of the operations of SCIENTOLOGY is to engage in harassing law suits designed to forestall and negate any inquiry into their practices. This coupled along with other SCIENTOLOGI practices Of "Fair Game", "Attack the attacker", "The Black PR Doctrine", (which is designed to find out damaging information about SCIENTOLOGY detractors and make this information public), and other SCIENTOLOGY practices designed to protect this organization at all costs causes a great deal of concern among potential investigators and prosecutors. As shown in the investigative portion of the report, prosecutors are reluctant to properly investigate and prosecute the SCIENTOLOGY organization for some of the reasons mentioned above. Also, new prosecutors know from previous experience relayed to them by investigators and prosecutors that have attempted to investigate SCIENTOLOGY, a large legal staff is necessary to answer subpoenas in various parts of the Country and file motions for Discovery of Evidence in other parts of the Country. Various prosecutors have expressed Court appearances as a large problem when conducting a meaningful investigation and prosecution of SCIENTOLOGY. The SCIENTOLOGY organization is a large, complex corporation with many, many sub-corporations inclusive into its structure. Once again, this corporation and sub-corporate designs were devised to hamper any investigation into SCIENTOLOGY practices. A particular problem associated with this organization and its many corporations, is the tracing and tracking of financial flows of monies and credits. The organization has many bank accounts throughout the world (mostly in European Banks) that are virtually impossible to monitor without the aid of Federal assistance. A local investigator or prosecutor in Florida does not have the wherewithal to flow a financial investigation from beginning to end because money transfers within SCIENTOLOGY are done on an interstate basis and from Country to Country. In summation, the investigation of SCIEBTOLOCY should take on the propertions displayed by our law enforcement brothers of the Ontario Provincial Police in Toronto, Canada or an overall investigation should not begin. In this report, an accounting of men and materials to date that has been committed to the investigation or a single SCIENTOLOGY ORG is included for your review. In 1977, the F.B.I. arrested Michael Meisner for Burglary of a.Government Office. A Grand Jury was impaneled in Washington, D. C., and indictments were handed down for the arrest of eleven SCIENTOLOGISTS, including Mary Sue Hubbard. A search warrant was executed on the SCIENTOLOGY ORG in Washington, D. C. This search warrant yielded volumes of SCIENTOLOGY policies, practices and rules in document forms. Of particular interest was information seized pertaining to burglaries, extortion and other crimes. The documents were in the form of Guardian Office Operations such as Operation Taco-less, Operation Keeler I and Keeler ZI, Operation Choke, Operations against the news media in Pinellas County and the Operation against Paulette Cooper. All these documents came to the attention of both the Federal and local law enforcement agencies without results. The ideal time for a complete investigation into illegal SCIENTOLOGY practices would have been immediately after the revelation of these before mentioned documents in 1977-78-79; before the Statute of Limitations took effect over the attendent crimes mentioned in the seized documents. The City of Clearwater and the Clearwater Police Department are placed into the position of investigating Vislations of the Criminal Statutes by SCIENTOLOGY members on a case by case basis because of manpower restrictions. Any future criminal violations should be referred to the State Attorney's Office on case by case basis as mentioned before. A total investigation of the policies and practices of SCIENTOLOGY is completely out of the question when this investigation is conducted on a local level. Violations that are affected by the Charitable Solicitation Ordinance should be referred to the City Attorney's Office after mechanisms for referral have been instituted. The records and files contained at the Clearwater Police Department should be available to any authorized law enforcement agency or governmental body investigating SCIENTOLOGY. The investigation of the practices of SCIENTOLOGY should be a complete investigative effort, properly staffed and with the conviction prosecution is possible or not attempted at all. In closing, I have submitted a newspaper article which appeared in the St. Petersburg Times on Sunday, November 20, 1983. This article is a follow-up concerning the Rev. Jones and the Jonestown suicides. The portions of the article which should be noticed are set apart by parentheses. The purpose of this report is not to harbor ill will amongst the law enforcement prosecution agencies in Florida. The purpose of this report is to unite all agencies together to investigate and bring this large complex criminal organization to justice. I use the concept of the Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee as my guide in asking for a joint committment of the various criminal justice systems to ferret out information concerning a criminal conspiracy to defraud within the Scientology organization. The attached letter from Robert W. Merkle, the U.S. Attorney, explains the concept of L.E.C.C. and how the various agencies of the criminal justice system can coordinate and combat a common foe: Organized Crime. --END QUOTE-- -- Mark Dallara ATG exposed: mdallara@kcii.com www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/ATG *** BANNED by $cientology's Internet filter! ***
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Title: *** The Emmons Report: Table of Contents
Author: mdallara@kcii.com (Mark Dallara)
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 01:10:03 GMT
[posted to alt.religion.scientology and fl.general] An item that's been in the news and on a.r.s recently is the lawsuit between the city of Clearwater and the cult of $cientology regarding certain records held by the Clearwater Police Department. The records relate to CPD's investigation of the cult, and the $cientologists, of course, want the records destroyed or sealed, or, failing that, they want to be notified whenever the press or public requests any of the documents. One of the primary documents involved in this lawsuit (probably the centerpiece of the whole thing) is the report filed by Lt. Ray Emmons. It consists of several volumes, and is supported by 40 boxes of documents. Below is the Table of Contents of the summary report, obtained through a public information request from the Clearwater Police Department. --BEGIN QUOTE-- TABLE OF CONTENTS I. The Founder - Introduction Exhibits - Documents of Scientology A. His relationship to the organization 1. Organization and morale 2. Policy, and HCOB alterations 3. The long needed understanding of justice 4. A printed biography of L. Ron Hubbard 5. Administrative know-how - the responsibilities of leaders 6. Conditions chart 7. Memorandum of agreement 8. Service 9. Source of policy 10. Operation Bulldozer Leak 11. Operation Power 12. Affidavit - Martin Greenberg 13. Founder 14. State of emergency 15. Founder - Scientology - A world religion emerges in the space, age B. His relationship to the individual member Exhibits 16. Date of L. Ron Hubbard - biography 17. Pamphlet - L. Ron Hubbard 18. Genius 19. Book cover from "Scientology, a new slant on life" 20. Court Record - The State of California vs. Sequoia University 21. The findings of the Australian inquiry - L. Ron Hubbard's background 22. The findings of Hubbard's claim to scientific discoveries C1. Hubbard's philosophy regarding psychiatry 23. Purpose and targets 24. Illegal PC's acceptance of high crime P/L 25. Code of a Scientologist 26. Pro actions - star rate in clay 27. Policies on physical healing, insanity and potential trouble sources 28. More outpoints 29. What the public's money buys: Scientology vs. psychiatry C2. Hubbard's philosophy regarding government institutions Exhibits 30. Moonlighting 31. Politics, freedom from 32. Organization and morale 33. Policies on physical healing, insanity and potential trouble sources II. The Organization Called Scientology - Introduction Exhibits 1. Documents refuting Hubbard's biography 2. Documents refuting Hubbard's biography 3. Documents refuting Hubbard's biography 4. Documents refuting Hubbard's biography 5. The theory of Scientology organizations 6. Group sanity 7. Special zone plan 8. What is Scientology 9. Why Doctor of Divinity 10. Code of a Scientologist 11. Hubbard's scientific deficiencies A. Ron DeWolfe's testimony 12. Testimony of Ron DeWolfe B. Religious status 13, Statements from the book, "Scientology - A World Religion Emerges in the Space Age" 14. "Why a Doctor of Divinity" 15. "Scientology is a religion" 16, Religious definitions from Scientology publications 17. Religion and religious services 18. How Scientology became a church B. Religious Status Exhibits - Continued 19. Church services C. List of Scientology corporations 20. Corporate status 21. The theory of Scientology organization III. Courses and Services - Introduction Exhibits 1. An explanation of the OT Level coursework 2. Price lists A. The Purification Rundown 3. Thetaline 4. The Purification Rundown 5. Purification Rundown and atomic war B. Dianetics 6. What the public's money buys: Scientology vs. psychiatry 7. Health form, use of 8. Performance C. The E-meter Introduction 9. UnjtedStates Court of Appeals - E-meter 10. A contract for the sale of confessional aids 11. Auditors 12. The only valid security check 13. Security check policy 14. Illegal PCS, acceptance of high crime P/L C. The E-meter - Cont'd. 15. Eligibility for OT Levels 16. A series of documents indicating misuse of confidential information 17. Info re.: Donna Peeve 18. Herbert's confidential information 19. Iva and Kathy Hirsch - info - confidential 20. Iva and Kathy Hirsch - info - confidential 21. Iva and Kathy Hirsch - info - confidential files 22. Jan Morris - confidential info 23. Interrogation (how to read an E-meter on a silent subject) 24. Knowledge reports 25. Injustice 26. Committee of Evidence - Jim Logan 27. Expulsion orders 28. Security check questionnaire 29. HCO and confessionals 30. Contract - sale of confessional aids 31. Confessional tech policies 32. Confessionals - Ethics reports required 33. Confessionals 34. Misuse of confidential info 35. Misuse of confidential info - Terry Prucher C. The E-meter - Cont'd 36. Daniel Gotrino 37, Misuse of auditing information - Deutsch IV. Policies and Practices of the Scientology Organization - Introduction Exhibits 1. Administrative know-how 2. Overts and withholds - Michael Meisner 3. Ethics and study tech 4. Ethics, the design of 5. Ethics presence 6. Ethics 7. Ethics and executives 8. Introduction to Scientology Ethics 9. Trouble source (handling) 10. Disconnect 11. PTS handling 12. Policy and HCOB alterations 13. Offenses and penalties 14. Sources of trouble 15. Disconnect 16. Suppressive persons, main characteristics 17. A declare statement 18. Information - data check-off sheet 19. Blown student/gone student 20. R.P.F. assignment sheet 21. R.P.F. cycles 22. FO 3434 series checklist 23. 90 Ethics order 24. Penalties for lower conditions 25. Fair Game 26. Cancellation of Fair Game 27. Level "O" checklist 28. Attacks on Scientology 29. Condition of liability 30. Attacks on Scientology II 31. Attacks on Scientology III 32. Non-Enturbulation Order - Jim Lo~an Cram OFF MSB 33. Policies on physical healing, insanity and potential trouble sources V. The Guardian's Office - Introduction Exhibits in the Introduction 1. The Guardian 2. Department of Government 3. Successful and unsuccessful actions 4. PR and causation 5. Public media 5a. Guardian's Office 6. PR definition 7. Codes and coding, correct practice policy 8. Counter-espionage 9. Guardian's Office 10. Intelligence actions, covert intelligence, data collection 11. Guardian information letter no. 27 12. Guardian information letter no. 30 13. Report of Jakob Andersen - training to lie in court A. General documents - Guardian's Office 14. Drills 15. The correct use of codes 16. B & E's 17. Dead agent 18. Red box and red box data 19. Introduction 20. How to commit burglaries 21. Guardian's Office OPS check sheet 22. How to commit burglaries II 23. Lying 24. Information letter 1 25. Guardian Office operations 26. Follow-up letter to #25 27. Forerunner to Operation Bulldozer 28. PRO unit - Michael Meisner 29. G.O. message - Lyle Sudrow 30. Guardian Office programme - formal 31. Early warning system B-l, G.O. Order 261175 LRH, power target #1 32. A clean sweep B. Operations in Clearwater 33. Operations in Clearwater C. Operation Snow White Introduction 34. The Snow White Program 35. Memo from Mary Sue Hubbard 36. Handling of emergencies 37. Police report, Metropolitan Toronto Police Department - burglaries 38. Message from G.O. indicating burglaries were Scientology operatives working 39. Documents indicating burglaries-O.P.P. and O.P.C.A. Offices 40. Burglary I.R.S. Office - Barbara Bird 41. From the O.P.P. and O.P.C.A. Offices_:concerning the burglaries in Washington and Los Angeles. Court decision 42. Emylee Lynne Miller - Dead agent application 43. The MM Story 44. National agencies targeted for covert operations 45. Codes and coding, arrest practice policy 46. Time tracks D. Instructional guidelines to covert agent (Sec-check questionnaire) Exhibits 47. Instructional guidelines to covert agents (Sec-check questionnaire) E. Attacks against news media Introduction 48. Messages sent concerning operations against news media 49. Message concerning undercover operative - June 50. Undercover operative in Forbes Magazine 51. Undercover operations against news media - Easter Seals 52. Undercover operations against news media 53. Undercover operations against Orsini 54. Undercover operations against The Clearwater Sun 55. Undercover operations against The Clearwater Sun and The St. Petersburg Times F. The Gabe Cazares Operation Introduction Exhibits 56. Project Taco-Less 57. Gabe Cazares - mistress 58. Base operation 59. Mayor Cazares 60. Commission Meeting - Mayor Cazares 61. A daily report 62. Florida Public Records Law - Cazares 63. Hit and_run incident - washington. D.C. G. Project Owl 64. "Project Owl" H. Operation Freak-Out - Paulette Cooper Introduction Exhibits 65. Operation Freak-Out I. The Lavinda VanSchaick Production Plan Introduction Exhibits 66. The Guardian Office Programme Order. - Lavinda VanSchaick Production Plan 67. Production Plan - VanSchaick 68. VanSchaick - Multi-bureau offensive J. Operations against Michael Flynn - Operation Juggernaut Introduction Exhibits 69. The Juggernaut Eval 70. Press release - 2-million dollar check seam 71. Freedom Magazine - 2-million dollar check seam K. Files on Important People Exhibits 72. G.O. message - celebrities 73. Compliance report - C.C.N.Y. L. Tonja Burden Case Introduction Exhibits 74. Tonja Burden's Freeloader's Debt 75. Non-disclosure and release bond 76. Release VI. Finances - Introduction A. General Documents Introduction Exhibits 1. Make money 2. Cost of service 3. List of services of the Scientology organization 4. Only accounts talk money 5. The basic principles of promotion 6. Registration 7. The organization of a PE Foundation 8. The I.Q. tested 9. Programme director hat 10. Body routing in central organization 11. Reception hat 12. How to sell Scientology 13. Population surveys 14. Mailing lists, central files, addresso basic definitions and policy 15. Learning to use data analysis 16. Service 17, Income flows and pools, principles of money management 18. Finance series 4, income sources 19. Gross income 20. Ship account policies 21. Big league closing drills 22. Big league registration series 16R,successful registrar actions 23. The come-on dissemination 24. Money 25. Mailing list policies 26. The gross income of the org and why 27. The Guardian Statistic 28. Discipline, SPls and admin., how statistics crash 29. Blind registration 30. Price list 31. Dissemination drill 32. Call-in, the key to delivery and future income 33. Product debug series 1, Esto series 37,debug tech 34. Booming an org through training 35. Executive Series 7R, targeting of divisional statistics and quotes 36. Keeping Scientology working - series 4 safeguarding technology 37. Cutative prices 38. How to sell Scientology to your friends 39. Keeping Scientology working B. Promissory Notes and Contracts Introduction Exhibits 40. Org protection 41. Finance Series 3- 1RA, - Handling of bounced checks and refunds 42. Memorandum of agreement 43. Duplicates of contracts, releases and promissory notes 44. Affidavit 45. Former staff members 46. Declaration of religious commitment and application for active participation on church staff 47. Legal forms 48. Religion Legal: Registration and sign-ups C. Refunds and Repayments Introduction 49. Refund/repayment routing form 50. Refund GFO's - Refund repayment claims and handling 51. Claims Verification Board 52. Cancellation of CVB Claim 53. Refunds and repayments 54. Refund notices 55. 1) Illegal PC's and refunds 2) Cancellation of CVB Claims 3) Refund notice 4) CVB handling bonuses 56. Urgent,important - Refunds and repayments 57. Scientology (R) refunds, writ of expulsion and waiver 58. Urgent, important, refund/repayment claims II 59. Urgent, important, refund/repayment claims III 60. CVB Policies 61. Urgent, important, refund/repayment claims IV 62. FSM (Field Staff Member) Penalty for refunds, repayments and bounced checks 63. Prepayment discount reinstated D. Inurement to Hubbard 64. Founder 65. Keeping Scientology working, series I 66. Effective upon receipt 67. Income, Flag 68. Martin Greenberg - affidavit 69. Operation Goldmine 70. What your fees buy 71. Barbara Bird - I.R.S. Files E. Mission Holder's Meeting Exhibits 72. Mission Holder's Meeting - Minutes 73. Documents from Michael Flynn's trash F. Articles of incorporation of the Religious Technology Center Exhibits 74. Articles of incorporation - R.T.C. 75. International Watchdog Committee VII. R.I.C.O. Introduction A. R.I.C.O. Statutes Exhibits 1. Flynn's R.I.C.O. report 2. F.S.S. Chapter 496.01 - 496.40 - Solicitation of funds 3. F.S.S. Chapter 817 - Fraudulent practices, part 1, false pretenses and frauds, generally 4. F.S.S. - racketeering and illegal debts 5. F.S.S. 787.01 and 787.02, Kidnapping and false imprisonment 6. F.S.S. 775.15, Time limitations 7. F.S.S. 777.011 - 777.03 - 777.04 - Principal in the first degree, accessory after the fact, and attempts, solicitation, conspiracy generally 8. United States Code annotated, Title 18, crimes and criminal procedure, 1691 to 2310 9. United States Code, Chapter 96 - Racketeer influenced and corrupt organization B. Other Investigations 1. The I.R.S. Tax Case Exhibits 10. Respondent's trial memorandum - I.R.S. Tax Case 11. Ruling I.R.S. Tax Case 2. The Canadian Investigation 12. The Canadian Investigation - Information to obtain search warrant 3. The French Fraud Case 13. Documents concerning the French Fraud Case 4. The English Report 14. The Foster Report VIII. Scientology Court Cases and Conduct in Litigation Introduction Exhibits 1. Conduct in Litigation 2. The United States Tax Court Respondents' Memorandum concerning reasonableness and regularity of deficiency notice 3. The Founding Church of Scientology vs. The United States, United States Court of Claims 4. Introduction to Scientology Ethics 5. Level "O" Checklist 6. Scientology Cases IX. Cults and Brainwashing Introduction Exhibits 1. The five levels of indoctrination 2. The second echelon 3. Science Digest article -"Information Disease - Have Cults Created a New Mental Illness?" 4. F.B.I. Bulletin article - "Cults: A Conflict Between Religious Liberty and Involuntary Servitude" 5. White collar cults - Cindy Boyles X. Witness Testimony Introduction Exhibits A. 1. The testimony of Ron DeWolfe 2. The testimony of David Ray 3. The testimonyof Casey Kelley 4. The testimony of Lori Taverna 5. The testimony of Xosie Pace 6. The testimony of Paulette Cooper 7. The testimony of Ernest Hartwell and Adelle Hartwell 8. The testimony of Ed Waiters 9. The testimony of Scott Mayer 10. The testimony of Gerald Armstrong 11. The ·testimony of Jocelyn Armstrong 12. The testimony of Laurel Sullivan B. Affidavits 13. The affidavit of Gerald Armstrong 14. The affidavit of Kevin Flynn 15. The affidavit of Michael Flynn 16. The affidavit of Warren Friske 17. The affidavit of Lucy Garritano 18. The affidavit of Carol Garrity 19. The affidavit of Janie Peterson 20. · The affidavit of Anne Rosenblum 21. The affidavit of Ford Martin Schwartz 22. The letter of Artie Maren to The Reader's Digest 23. The affidavit of Lavinda VanSchaick 24. · The affidavit and declaration of Ed Waiters 25, The affidavit of Steven Garritano 26. The affidavit of James Gervais --END QUOTE-- -- Mark Dallara ATG exposed: mdallara@kcii.com www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/ATG *** BANNED by $cientology's Internet filter! ***
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